Has anyone tried this new VARARAM intake advertised in the new issue of Viper Magazine? Does it work? Opinions/experience please? Claims up to 30hp...hard to believe!
Would you elaborate on your comment : "the NACA duct develops a vaccuum situation at speed"?
Are you saying that at approximately a certain speed that airflow is being blocked by negative pressure (the vaacuum is keeping air from entering the NACA duct)? Or do you mean that the NACA duct benefits from air almost being force-fed into it at or above certain speeds?
Just curious, as I am guessing that the NACA duct has little benefit at low speeds.
I state that the viper front end has a thick boundary layer because that is what I have been told by 2 separate aeronautical engineers. I state that the the NACCA duct on the viper is a low pressure ( vaccum ) area because it is joe.
...I would like to encourage all my future opponents to put one of their car