I can't believe this

You don't even know what these pictures are for, who these people are, and why the pictures are stored in a web account. LMAO!!!
i DONT CARE why those pics are there! why is that so funny? did you even READ my response up there with the SMILEY FACE? my question was in good humor and you immediately went defensive and THEN, immediately made your pics password protected! why? are you ashamed of those pics? (you should be). are you embarrassed by them? (you should be). do your "underware modeling" pics show a ********** of some kind? (?). were you NOT the one who posted them on the INTERNET? did you not expect someone to look at them or find them?

<< You broke into a PRIVATE picture account with a private username and password. And then you put a link here.....Why? I don't know you but if I have offended you in any way >>
LOOK, i happen to like the viper pics you contributed and I wanted to see if you had more. your posted pics show where they are hosted, and so i went there. simple. YOU CALL "CUTTING AND PASTING" A WEB ADDRESS BREAKING INTO AN ACCOUNT?! AT THE TIME, your pics WERE NOT password protected - NOW THEY ARE! look above, does it say ANYWHERE about entering a username or password? NO. BECAUSE IT DIDNT EXIST AT THAT TIME.
Tabita, I'm sure you came here and are laughing your AO too in France because of this. I'm still shooting in the little islands. I'll go back to SJ on Friday. Just up-loaded the last set! Buena suerte con tu portfilo en Paris!
and what is THIS garbage? is this suppose to impress us? you need to take your immature, vain, lying-asp and troll somewhere else. but before you leave, be sure to leave us your username and password. some saturday night i am sure you and Datelines' Chris Hanssen and going to bump into each other and i want to remember you and all those "classy" pics of yours when i see them again on network television.
i never thought i would use the ignore feature here as i find that everyone contributes SOMETHING to these boards. you are obviously going to be the exception. you obviously CANT BE TRUSTED, therefore congrats - you are now my second "ignore" customer next to 56LesPaul.