Well today I took the first step in the project I have planned for my '01 Viper this year. In August she will turn 10 years old so I decided to do a thorough cleaning of her this year to get her back up to her fresh from the factory look. Sapphire Blue while very beautiful is a PITA to keep clean. Being a novice when it had come to car care unfortunately my Viper suffered but after watching The Junkman's videos and asking some questions I feel pretty confident in what I want to do.
I will be using the Griots Garage system to correct my paint. I have been very pleased with their stuff and it's what i've used on my Viper since day one. I built a kit that is very close to The Junkman's kit so we will see how it goes. Plus free shipping till 7/4/11 was hard to pass up.
Everything should arrive in 3-5 business days. I will be posting pics of my progress in this thread.
Once everything arrives I will post some pics. 
I will be using the Griots Garage system to correct my paint. I have been very pleased with their stuff and it's what i've used on my Viper since day one. I built a kit that is very close to The Junkman's kit so we will see how it goes. Plus free shipping till 7/4/11 was hard to pass up.