Took the panel of the door today, but there are a set of wires that are all unsprung, I couldn't even tell where they go or even where to start. Very hard to see inside the door do to lack of openings. There is this clip that looks brand new, it just looks like it fell off something. two wires unraveled into the door. With out removing the motor assembly and trying to figure out how the wires go. I saw a place where something should be on the bottom of the window, looks like the clip i found at the bottom goes thee, but i have no clue. I will have the dealer look and see if anything needs replaced or it just needs to be repaired.
i attached a link to show you what i saw when i took the panel off.
page 142.
part labeled number 12 was all unraveled.
it was very clean inside, no rust on any bolts that i could see.
so that is where i am at, at this point.
I will drop it off at dealer probably next week.
let me know if you need more described to you.