Thank You Indy! I've Got to Get Back in the Swing of Things with All of Ya'll! VCA is the BEST!simply marvelous![]()
T, I JUST Thought about This when I Saw You're in Mich. I Took these Pics Today & was Fixin' to Take One & this Guy came up next to me & said, Man Wouldn't You Love to Take A Spin in That Car, I Turned to Him & Said That's MY Car & He Said Oh, I thought You was just A Visitor like Me & Taking Pics! Lol! But, He Was From Michigan, I Didn't Ask Him from What Part, But He Said They Had some Relatives in Winnsboro which is About 40 Minutes from Here & HAD to Come & See Where the DD Guys Are! Lol!Looks amazing. By far best RT top out there. I have to ask what's the Duck Dynasty affiliation? I've seen it in your location but now the Viper next to this big trailer??
T, Did You Get A New Car? I Could Have Swore You Had A Black One the Last Time I Was on Here?
Thanks Oilman! It Took them Over 3 Months to Do Mine, But I Did Tell Jeff that I Wasn't in A Big Rush & Also He was Pretty Busy with His New Car He Had Just Built (I Think its the Falcon7). Took My Body Guys Awhile to Get it to Fit Correctly & Them Paint It (Jeff Doesn't Paint them Anymore Because He Said They Had too Many Issues with Them Chipping or Getting Scratched Up During Delivery). Also, Oilman I Just Put My Old Top & My Soft Top for Sale in the Classifieds, Just Wanting Someone to Make Me A Offer On One or Both (BOTH are in Mint Condition)!Great looking viper! How long did it take to get the top, do the latches work better than factory, do you bother keeping the factory top now? Thanks
I've ALWAYS thought this was the ONLY Top That Looked Like it's the One that Should Have Came on them from the Factory! jmo! There's some other Decent Ones Out there, But Do Not Look as Snug as these Do & Has the Lil' Scoop on Top! JUCD, You are Right about the Squeeks though! Lol! I Haven't Done Any Ajustments Yet, But I've Heard there's some kind of Oil or Lube You can Put on it to Help Reduce the Squeeks. As Far as the Leaks Goes, Mine Doesn't See the Rain so I'm Not Really that Concerned about that (when I Wash it, its Not Usually Dirty, Just Dusty so I Just Spray A Fine Mist Over It)!Looks GREAT! I have always thought this top looks the best on an R/T....... Pic # my issue with this top. I've had mine for about 4 years now? Water always leaks through that GAP spot and my God my top rattles and squeeks like crazy! So i'm constantly adjusting it. I absolutely love my 3 piece top so i'm not knocking it..BUT it has it's issues. I think I need to redo all the seals on mine, around the top sections that meet the car and in between each top piece. The squeeks drive me nuts! It's like i'm fighting the War on Squeeks & Rattles!
Thanks Euch, You Always Been too Nice My Friend! And, Z I'll Take A Pic of it When I Take it Back Off & Put'er in the Trunk!man, that top on your rt looks great![]()
Thanks Prof. Go to Mach7Motorsports & if You want You can pm Me & I Can Give You Jeff's Number, But it should Be somewhere on the Site. You will Most Likely Talk with Carl (Jeff's Dad & A Super Nice Guy). I'm Not Sure if they Make them for the Gen. I, But You Can Call them & Ask! As A Matter of Fact I'd Been Told They Weren't Making Anymore of the 3-Piece Tops since Jeff's New Car Came Out But Just Call Jeff & See What He Says! GL!Mattdillon, the Viper looks awesome with the Lemke top. Could you please share Jeff's contact details, as I would like to order one for my 1996 RT10!!
Anyway, congradulations and enjoy the summer!
Oilman, I Haven't Noticed ANY Difference! Cause I'm the Perfect Size for A Viper Driver, Lol! I'm Only 5'11 & 160lbs. As Far as the Height I Guess that would Be the ONLY Gripe, as I Liked the Look of the Bubble Top & it Definitely Gives A Taller Person A Few More Inches, But these Tops Do Give it A Much Lower Looking Profile Also! jmo!Just two more, do you think you need to lower the seat and how much$ thanks.
Great, Keep Us Informed On Everything! If You Can't Get In Touch with Jeff pm Me & I'll Give You His Number! GL My Friend!Thanks, 5'11 to ,gonna have to order one.
Mike, My Brother! Lol! Man, You've Been there with Me the WHOLE Way! You Know What All I've Went Thru & Done to FINALLY Get Me A Lemke Top! Shane's Doing Good, He'd Been in A Wheel Chair for the Last 6 Months But He is Walking Now & Going to Therapy (He Contacted the MRSA Virus after 2 Osteotomies on His Right Leg, they Cut Off right above the ankle & turned it IN 45 Degrees & Cut Off Right Above His Knee Cap, Femur & Turned it OUT 35 Degrees, so His Right Leg is Pretty Much as Straight as His Left One Now)! He is Back Riding His 4-Wheeler so He's Good! Lol! Good to Be Back My Friend! As, A Matter of Fact We Go Back to Children's Hosp. in Ft. Worth Aug. 15th & I Need to Call Bird325 (Mike), He ALWAYS Came By the Hotel in His VIPER when we were there for Shane's Surgery & Check-Ups & That ALWAYS Made Shane's Day! Just Ask Mike About His Smile, Birdman's the BEST!Well Gerry, you finally got it man!
I was actually thinking of you waiting on this top and was gonna ask you about... but I didn't want to stir-up a hornets nest. LOL
Glad you got it . Tell Shane I said Hey!
Take a look at this thread...there's some pictures of mine in the trunk in one of the last posts...GEN II aftermarket hard tops?Looks great!! Can you take some pics of how it fits in the trunk next time you take it off?
Mike, My Brother! Lol! Man, You've Been there with Me the WHOLE Way! You Know What All I've Went Thru & Done to FINALLY Get Me A Lemke Top! Shane's Doing Good, He'd Been in A Wheel Chair for the Last 6 Months But He is Walking Now & Going to Therapy (He Contacted the MRSA Virus after 2 Osteotomies on His Right Leg, they Cut Off right above the ankle & turned it IN 45 Degrees & Cut Off Right Above His Knee Cap, Femur & Turned it OUT 35 Degrees, so His Right Leg is Pretty Much as Straight as His Left One Now)! He is Back Riding His 4-Wheeler so He's Good! Lol! Good to Be Back My Friend! As, A Matter of Fact We Go Back to Children's Hosp. in Ft. Worth Aug. 15th & I Need to Call Bird325 (Mike), He ALWAYS Came By the Hotel in His VIPER when we were there for Shane's Surgery & Check-Ups & That ALWAYS Made Shane's Day! Just Ask Mike About His Smile, Birdman's the BEST!