Please, stop bashing the gen v


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
Come on guys, enough is enough. The negative comments, second guessing, complaining, percieved short comings etc., etc., has been going on for way to long. I understand your frustrations, however, I feel they have become damaging.

Aside from pushing several Gen V owners off the forum, it's done nothing to draw any of the hundreds of new owners here, not to mention scaring away many potential buyers, who have come to the Gen V forum for insight into the car, in anticipation of purchasing a new one. There is also the demoralizing factor that affects SRT management and employees, CAAP assemblers, Viper dealers, and probably Sergio also, who gave the go ahead to build the Gen V.

I fully agree SRT marketing is a disaster and well desreves the ass kicking they get here, but the Gen V is still the best Viper yet. We are all Viper owners and/or Viper enthusiats, so lets start acting that way towards the may be a good start in helping sales and/or further development of the Gen V. For those of you who feel SRT has lost their love for us...keep in mind, love is a two way street.

If the goose that laid the golden egg eventually gets killed, fingers will point in our direction too!


May 29, 2013
Reaction score
The gen v is the best viper yet. You are 100% right. But it isn't the best CAR for 130-160k. That is the problem. Maybe this will make them go back to the drawing board and make it better for next year. Track car needs a dry sump oil system for one.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
I have to agree. I think SRT marketing is a failure - but the car is unreal. I am more than pleased with it. SRT really did well with the car, it is a shame more people aren't experiencing it.


Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
What's interesting to me is how different my Viper experience has been from what I would expect after reading Motor Trend and the forums. Other than the delay to receive it, my Viper has exceeded my expectations. I LOVE this car.

My Viper is simply mind blowing to me. It is the most beautiful car on the market, to me. Believe me, my best friend has owned many of the exotics over the years such as Lambos and Ferraris, and I like those cars but not with the passion that I have for the Viper.

I see a lot of discontent from those who care about drag racing. Nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't have paid this kind of money just for a straight line car. AWD cars win from stop light to stop light on the street, but I outgrew street racing. I enjoy drag racing once in a while, in fact I had an NHRA license at one point, but now I'm into road courses because I think they are the best measure of a car's true performance- the harmony of acceleration, braking and handling. If you listen to Ralph, Graham and the engineers, this car was aimed at ruling the road courses, not the drag strips. On my maiden track voyage, the Viper was faster than every car at Thunderhill including some cars that cost many times as much. It owns the Laguna Seca track record. Bulls-eye.

So while others are concerned about dissecting all-things wrong with the Viper or SRT's marketing of the car, I will be found on the road course or in Santa Barbara with my Viper brothers or behind the wheel in Napa Valley with my lady. I am truly enjoying this amazing machine. Whether or not others like it as much as me, or if sales are sluggish. I am out there living the dream in my Viper.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
What's interesting to me is how different my Viper experience has been from what I would expect after reading Motor Trend and the forums. Other than the delay to receive it, my Viper has exceeded my expectations. I LOVE this car.

My Viper is simply mind blowing to me. It is the most beautiful car on the market, to me. Believe me, my best friend has owned many of the exotics over the years such as Lambos and Ferraris, and I like those cars but not with the passion that I have for the Viper.

I see a lot of discontent from those who care about drag racing. Nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't have paid this kind of money just for a straight line car. AWD cars win from stop light to stop light on the street, but I outgrew street racing. I enjoy drag racing once in a while, in fact I had an NHRA license at one point, but now I'm into road courses because I think they are the best measure of a car's true performance- the harmony of acceleration, braking and handling. If you listen to Ralph, Graham and the engineers, this car was aimed at ruling the road courses, not the drag strips. On my maiden voyage, the Viper was faster than every car at Thunderhill including some cars that cost many times as much. It owns the Laguna Seca track record. Bulls-eye.

So while others are concerned about dissecting all-things wrong with the Viper or SRT's marketing of the car, I will be found on the road course or in Santa Barbara with my Viper brothers or behind the wheel in Napa Valley with my lady. I am truly enjoying this amazing machine. Whether or not others like it as much as me, or if sales are sluggish. I am out there living the dream in my Viper.
Great write up.

i love driving the car, I drive it absolutely as much as possible.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
My wife and I both love our Gen 5 Viper. Agreed that SRT/Chrysler deserve all the bad press they have gotten, for their documented fumbles. The car itself, though, doesn't deserve to be burned at the stake because of it. I know a few other local Gen 5 owners, and all of them love the car. I'm mostly surprised at all the other Viper owners that bash on the Gen 5, which I didn't expect from a Viper site. It is one thing to complain about pricing or affordability, but many seem to have dismissed the Gen 5 altogether - without having driven one.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I love all Vipers. When I got home last night my wife came out to greet me to tell me the neighbours young boy (3 years old) was outside and his mom and he were talking cars (that's what all boys should be doing). My wife, who drives a Misano red Audi S4, asked him what his favorite car was. She said, "do you like my red car?", and he responded "no, I like the Viper, the blue one, the Viper". It's in his blood now, as its in mine!

Viper owners have it in their blood. We are a brotherhood, and all Vipers are part of the family!

viper GTS-R

May 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fords, NJ
'but the Gen V is still the best Viper yet.'

Sorry, but no. Not yet.

If that was true, so are Gen II LX's. But even that market *****. Your lucky to stick a air intake and wheels on those too.


Ray W

Oct 28, 2000
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale,FL USA
There is no Viper or car made that I love more than the GEN V Viper. I won't be buying one though. I really don't know what it would take for me to get one. I am afraid of the market,disappointed in how SRT treated me, unhappy that I can't modify it and really don't want to spend over 100K for one. Maybe in DEC I will go back to a GEN IV convertible, modify it and see how it all shakes out.
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Omaha NE.
Come on guys, enough is enough. The negative comments, second guessing, complaining, percieved short comings etc., etc., has been going on for way to long. I understand your frustrations, however, I feel they have become damaging.

Aside from pushing several Gen V owners off the forum, it's done nothing to draw any of the hundreds of new owners here, not to mention scaring away many potential buyers, who have come to the Gen V forum for insight into the car, in anticipation of purchasing a new one. There is also the demoralizing factor that affects SRT management and employees, CAAP assemblers, Viper dealers, and probably Sergio also, who gave the go ahead to build the Gen V.

I fully agree SRT marketing is a disaster and well desreves the ass kicking they get here, but the Gen V is still the best Viper yet. We are all Viper owners and/or Viper enthusiats, so lets start acting that way towards the may be a good start in helping sales and/or further development of the Gen V. For those of you who feel SRT has lost their love for us...keep in mind, love is a two way street.

If the goose that laid the golden egg eventually gets killed, fingers will point in our direction too!

AMEN! +++ thank you for being a positive light...


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I don't think there's ever been a car made that is everything to everyone, or really even everything to just one person for that matter. Every car has some shortcomings, but sometimes that's what makes us like them even more. Is the Gen 5 king of the strip? No. Is it even king of the road course? Behind the right hands it's definitely one of the best out there, but there's always going to be something faster (P1, 918, LaFerrari perhaps?). Granted it beats those up on price tags, but some of the new Vettes are giving the Viper a run for its money as well at a cheaper cost, so if you're after affordable performance there are other options as well.

You buy the car because you love it and you want it. There are always some lemons out there or factory defects, but that can't really be helped. It's not feasible to test every nut and bolt before manufacturing the car. If a large majority are having the same issue it's a problem, but if one person complains that their pedals have some free play or some bolt is loose it doesn't mean the car ***** and they don't pay attention while building it. For each person out there that thinks the seats are uncomforable or don't fit them well there's another who thinks they're a royal throne made just for them.

I love my gen 3 and the more I'm around it and other Vipers the more I love mine. The color is perfect, the seats are comfortable, the exhaust has the right tone, and it runs like a top. Others might look at mine and think I'm crazy or they might prefer the old GTS body style, but that's fine. I love my car and that's all that matters. Other people love their cars and I don't have any problem with that. It's about enjoying what you have instead of complaining about all the little things that you don't like. Mine has squeaks and rattles from time to time that drive me crazy, but it's just part of the car. I don't expect it to be perfect, and I wouldn't expect a new car to be perfect either.

Viper Grenade

Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Here is what is stopping the Viper from selling

1.). It's too nice. The car is not ********** enough.

2.) Lack of Performace. Really, it just nearly beats a ZR1, that's just not acceptable. It should curb stomp it then ask for who is next.

3.) Lack of aftermarket support. Lambo, ZR1/ZO6, GTR, 997 ect all have so much better aftermarket support. As soon as those cars are let loose in public you could tune and buy upgrades. We STILL can't tune a Gen4 and its already out of production. You have to go full standalone.

4.). HP and bragging rights sells cars in this segment. 640 isn't good enough.

5.) Quality, look at the panel figment, its not up to par...but the paint is good.


Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
Come on guys, enough is enough. The negative comments, second guessing, complaining, percieved short comings etc., etc., has been going on for way to long. I understand your frustrations, however, I feel they have become damaging.

Aside from pushing several Gen V owners off the forum, it's done nothing to draw any of the hundreds of new owners here, not to mention scaring away many potential buyers, who have come to the Gen V forum for insight into the car, in anticipation of purchasing a new one. There is also the demoralizing factor that affects SRT management and employees, CAAP assemblers, Viper dealers, and probably Sergio also, who gave the go ahead to build the Gen V.

I fully agree SRT marketing is a disaster and well desreves the ass kicking they get here, but the Gen V is still the best Viper yet. We are all Viper owners and/or Viper enthusiats, so lets start acting that way towards the may be a good start in helping sales and/or further development of the Gen V. For those of you who feel SRT has lost their love for us...keep in mind, love is a two way street.

If the goose that laid the golden egg eventually gets killed, fingers will point in our direction too!

So stop bashing the Gen V and start bashing SRT?


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
<<So stop bashing the Gen V and start bashing SRT?>>

Start bashing SRT...where the hell have you been? You've all been doing that long before my comments...and I've said nothing about bashing SRT.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
As one of those enthusiasts I agree with OP to an extent. After a while the repeated rehashing of the negatives can have a detrimental effect overall. Thats why I dont really post too much as Im really really disappointed in the way things turned out and it seems to alway come out in my posts. I really want to see the snake thrive and it can if its not too late for it upstairs at Fiat.

Some positives: There is still a Viper being made. Its still an exotic looking, very fast and very relavant car around a race track. As was said it is the best built Viper to date. One of the best sportscar interiors baring price imho.

Realy hoping for the best in 2014 and beyond for the Viper.


Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
<<So stop bashing the Gen V and start bashing SRT?>>

Start bashing SRT...where the hell have you been? You've all been doing that long before my comments...and I've said nothing about bashing SRT.

I fully agree SRT marketing is a disaster and well desreves the ass kicking they get here, but the Gen V is still the best Viper yet.

:dunno: :eater:


Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Sammamish, WA
Here is what is stopping the Viper from selling

1.). It's too nice. The car is not ********** enough.

2.) Lack of Performace. Really, it just nearly beats a ZR1, that's just not acceptable. It should curb stomp it then ask for who is next.

3.) Lack of aftermarket support. Lambo, ZR1/ZO6, GTR, 997 ect all have so much better aftermarket support. As soon as those cars are let loose in public you could tune and buy upgrades. We STILL can't tune a Gen4 and its already out of production. You have to go full standalone.

4.). HP and bragging rights sells cars in this segment. 640 isn't good enough.

5.) Quality, look at the panel figment, its not up to par...but the paint is good.

Seriously??? I think this is the whole point of useless bashing with no facts to back it up. For example, lets say it had 700hp. going to increase sales a ton? of course not. Aftermarket support? really, you think the masses in this price range modify their cars? My point is the same old arguments (needs more HP, needs a wider body, ACR needs to be out, needs to be less nice...) etc all are personal opinions, but would they really make more people fork out $120k? I don't think so.

I personally think the car is great as it is, but it is priced on the high side so not an obvious choice for consumers in that price range.

Ask yourself, why does the corvette sell so much more? Very simple, reasonable price, has an automatic so anyone can drive, gets good gas mileage and for the most part is reliable and has great performance for the price. People will hate this when I say it (heck I don't like saying it), but if I wanted to pump the sales of the viper and sell more cars (which should be the goal of any car manufacturer), it would be to create a version that has the hemi V8, 8sp auto, rear exhaust and priced at $70k. I know not possible to build for that price with such small #'s, but if you had much higher #'s, you probably could. Tell me that combo does not sell a ton to a wide range of folks and doesn't hit a sweet spot in the market that is missing? (or that corvette has to itself)

So, my point is most comments suggest more performance is the answer. I just question that based upon the evidence of cars selling better in the same space. If I only had one suggestion that would boost sales from a product side is jam an 8sp auto in their as quickly as possible. Not the version I would buy, but if history is true based upon other performance cars, quickly 75% folks would be ordering them.

Having said all of that, I think the car is fantastic, dealer network extremely weak at selling a product in that price range and just hope they decide to build a Conv and ACR before it is all over.

ok, back to watching.


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
It's also a fine line to tread between wanting to sell more and wanting to keep the car exclusive. If Vipers were as prolific as Vettes around city streets I think most would agree that they would lose a lot of their appeal to some. It's one thing to not be able to sell many at all, it's another if you're just trying to sell more. I appreciate the fact that they almost make more Vettes in one year than they have Vipers in their lifetime. One of the things I like to say about my car picks is that I don't want to see more than one driving down the road while I'm in mine. I want something different that you don't see everyday, not necessarily something that everyone wants to drive. I also just don't like following the crowd a lot of the time. Popular opinion doesn't matter a whole lot to me, it's what I think that I care about.


Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
I appreciate the fact that they almost make more Vettes in one year than they have Vipers in their lifetime.

Yep. Exclusivity is nice. I would not appreciate seeing 2k or more rolling off the line each year. I can respect Corvettes, but they are no where near as exciting. Fast or not, no one looks twice at them. Simply driving down the road, watching peoples heads do a double or triple take, thumbs up out windows, flashing headlights, screaming girls. Cameras, discussions etc. THAT is the Viper lifestyle. THAT is something NO Corvette, NO Mustang will EVER have. And that makes me proud to park a Viper in the garage at night.



Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Yep. Exclusivity is nice. I would not appreciate seeing 2k or more rolling off the line each year. I can respect Corvettes, but they are no where near as exciting. Fast or not, no one looks twice at them. Simply driving down the road, watching peoples heads do a double or triple take, thumbs up out windows, flashing headlights, screaming girls. Cameras, discussions etc. THAT is the Viper lifestyle. THAT is something NO Corvette, NO Mustang will EVER have. And that makes me proud to park a Viper in the garage at night.


Amen, brother. And in my neck of the woods, there are Ferraris seen daily. Not so with the Viper, this beauty is a star and a conversation piece wherever I take it. Especially at the track.


Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Westchester County, NY
" Seriously??? I think this is the whole point of useless bashing with no facts to back it up. For example, lets say it had 700hp. going to increase sales a ton? of course not. Aftermarket support? really, you think the masses in this price range modify their cars? My point is the same old arguments (needs more HP, needs a wider body, ACR needs to be out, needs to be less nice...) etc all are personal opinions, but would they really make more people fork out $120k? I don't think so."

I agree 100%.....Couldn't have said it better myself!!

If Chrysler really wants to sell more Vipers; offer an automatic transmission as an option. Then instead of coming out with an 8 cylinder Viper to compete with the lower end Vette's ( this is a bad idea any way.. cause it would ruin the Viper Heritage )....Why not bring in the Newly redesigned SRT-8 Barracuda. The Cuda would be the answer to competing against lower end Vettes without creating a cheap Viper....

Jack B

Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
NE Ohio
I am at the point that I no longer enjoy this forum. It is like a disfunctional always angry family. I have owned a G1, G2 and now a G5. I love them all, but, the G5 is so superior when compared to the past cars.

Most of these naysayers have never driven a G5. In addtion most have never tuned, personally modified or raced a viper, that makes their opinion a piece of sh..t at best.

Basically, like most true viper lovers i feel that the stupidy and venom being spewed by a few self proclaimed viper experts has gone on too long. The same repeated stupid rhetoric really gets old.
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
I am at the point that I no longer enjoy this forum. It is like a disfunctional always angry family. I have owned a G1, G2 and now a G5. I love them all, but, the G5 is so superior when compared to the past cars.

Most of these naysayers have never driven a G5. In addtion most have never tuned, personall modified or raced a viper, that makes their opinion a piece of sh..t at best.

Sadly I am close to that point as well. When I feel like that, I take Halle Berry for a spirited drive and I forget all about the drama.


Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
The moderators need to create a special section for Gen V complaints. Relegate the over the top negative opinions to that forum. I'll gladly stay there for the hope that SRT listens to reason, and not just owners blinded by their love for the car. Many of us complaining are complaining because we want to be heard. We want SRT to listen. We can argue amongst each other all we want, but some things are so overwhelmingly obvious that can accept them as facts. That being the target cross over shoppers SRT discussed extensively are not interested in the Viper as is. It doesn't matter how you market it. Period. Marketing would have helped with the current Viper lover, but not potential. I leave it at that.

Mods, start a complaint subforum or better yet a "Constructive Criticism" subforum and I will happily fade there when I have something "negative" to say.


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
You have to look at this in the right light. At least everyone seems to have stopped complaining about the front end and hoods. Ha! Ha! THAT was the big complaint upon launch and consumed the internet-waves for the longest time.

The reality is each Viper is special in it's own way. The new GEN V is the absolute best one made thus far. Some like the original GEN I, the can't even get another color or a/c version, some like the GEN II GTS Coupe cause it speaks to them. Some like the GEN III Copperhead verts, and some like the GEN IV ACRs. Each has it's own appeal. However when you look at an overall or all sectors combined (even though some people place certain sections high and of more importance than others), there is zero denying the GEN V is the best one yet.

The house of cards which is what the VCA AND non-club member Viper owners really have appeared to be portraying through the issues, politics, bad mounting and finger pointing of late HAS affected new potential owners coming here and has affected the brand to a great extent. There is such a negative Vibe and that is not good and that does affect sails. The reality is if you can get over that initial bad feeling or the Motor Trend non-sense or this or that negativity and can afford the car, you will appear to have a good time and throughly enjoy it. However there is a lot of ground to get to that point and most new "on the fence" buyers do not want to make that journey or chance making that journey. The car is not the issue. SRT who makes the car therefor can not be the issue. The issue is where is the fun? Where is the positive enjoyment? Nobody wants to spend $100k+ and not absolutlely enjoy doing it. The Viper world community does need to band together as an owner community outside of this or that club or event or whatever and celebrate the cars for what they are. Here is an idea! Have a World Viper Day. Pick one day in the year that would be best for the entire world in whatever country to drive their Viper and then through the power of the internet, tell everyone about that day. Unless they crash the car or it unexpectantly breaks down, there should be thousands of great positive stories for people to read. Viper owners are going to love the stories and potential owners are going to want to be a part of that movement with their own stories to add.

Too much negativity in the world let alone club (s) or the GEN V or SRT. Sometimes the negativity can get to you and cloud your judgement. I use to always tell my employees if you are feeling bad about the world, government life, etc. sometimes you need to unplug. Cancel your newpaper subscription, stop watchign the news, stop complaining, get off the internet. Seriously try it for two weeks and see how much better you will feel.

The reality is complaining about the new GEN V or SRT has accomplished nothing nor will it. They are free to do what they want and will. Complaining here just makes the Viper community look like spoiled rich kids and despite what most would say. Nobody likes a spoiled rich kid nor do they want to hang with one.


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Nobody is buying, or not buying a new Viper because of people whining on this website or this stupid clubs relationship with SRT. That's ridiculous.

Ray W

Oct 28, 2000
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale,FL USA
Nobody is buying, or not buying a new Viper because of people whining on this website or this stupid clubs relationship with SRT. That's ridiculous.
I bought my first Viper before there was a club. I don't need a club but it is nice. I would have bought one sooner but M/T, Road and Track, etc. really hated Vipers and I believed them. So anything they say today means nothing to me. Dodge did however listen to what we wanted, understood what we wanted and gave it to us. It's 1980 all over again the world is changing and Detroit is now building what they want. Telling us we can't change it and we aren't buying.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
I think the MT articles and SRT's bungling has a LOT more to do with the lack luster sales than the comparatively small niche crowd that frequents this site. Hopefully 2014 will be better for The Viper all around.


Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
I think the MT articles and SRT's bungling has a LOT more to do with the lack luster sales than the comparatively small niche crowd that frequents this site. Hopefully 2014 will be better for The Viper all around.

I think I agree ;)