Jerz Viper
It's that time of year again!

The NJ VCA's Annual Pocono Track Day

Thursday August 16, 2007
Pocono Raceway
Long Pond, PA
Pocono Raceway
Long Pond, PA
This event is intended for all levels of driver. This is not a race, but a driving event. You will be able to take your snake out on the famous Pocono Raceway and let her rip

We welcome non Vipers as well, so if you have a friend with a Vette, Porsche, Ferrari etc tell them about the event and bring them with you.
Lunch will be at the Nascar rated best Brownies.... Pocono Raceway Cafeteria or you can bring your own lunch.
No grilling will be allowed.

No grilling will be allowed.

You must have a SA 2000 rating on your Helmet!
No Motorcycle Helmets Please
No Motorcycle Helmets Please
All cars will be teched by Scotty
Classroom instruction for all first timers

Fitzwell Racing will also be on hand for autographs and photos

So don't delay......sign up today!
You're just a click away!
You're just a click away!
Print the form and mail it in....its' that easy
Remember Early registration is at a discount

Bobby Cerchione
President NJ VCA
NE Zone Director
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