Hello all Viper fans and drivers.. Let me introduce myself..POOLBOYZ..Yellow RULES
Garrett and I have been voted as the ones responsible for the first and hopefully made into an annual affair..Our very own POKER RUN..
There are many ways to do a Poker Run..and we are looking for your input.
A few points to consider...
It is not a race..
There will be a time limit/restrictions
We will need at least 6 check points on our route.(restaurants, coffee shops, pubs etc.)
Route will consist of at least 1 gas pit stop...not as a check point, but on route.
We will need volunteers at check points
We will need a safe but crazy turny and scenic routes to be created.(suggestions welcome)
A deck of cards..ha-ha
And a Main hub as our finish line and awards party afterwards...
We are thinking to run it towards the end of August.
We would like to have part of the route travel North.
There will be a small entry fee.
There are many other items, and preparations that will need to take place, but this is just the example...
I would really like to see a great turn out, and I want to see how our club pulls together to help make this Poker Run a great success.
Maybe the winner can win a trip or something..
I would love your input everyone..Please help us out..
Steve and Garrett
Garrett and I have been voted as the ones responsible for the first and hopefully made into an annual affair..Our very own POKER RUN..
There are many ways to do a Poker Run..and we are looking for your input.
A few points to consider...
It is not a race..
There will be a time limit/restrictions
We will need at least 6 check points on our route.(restaurants, coffee shops, pubs etc.)
Route will consist of at least 1 gas pit stop...not as a check point, but on route.
We will need volunteers at check points
We will need a safe but crazy turny and scenic routes to be created.(suggestions welcome)
A deck of cards..ha-ha
And a Main hub as our finish line and awards party afterwards...
We are thinking to run it towards the end of August.
We would like to have part of the route travel North.
There will be a small entry fee.
There are many other items, and preparations that will need to take place, but this is just the example...
I would really like to see a great turn out, and I want to see how our club pulls together to help make this Poker Run a great success.
Maybe the winner can win a trip or something..
I would love your input everyone..Please help us out..
Steve and Garrett
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