Well, I haven't used any "tuners" for engine work yet, but have utilized some as suppliers. I have also bought various goodies for my Viper and gotten some good pointers from other tuners. Here are the companies I have enjoyed working with so far (in no particular order):<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>
MGW (shifter, gas cap, etc.)
Zaino Brothers (polish and cleaners)
Northern California VCA (floor mats)
WOODHOUSE DODGE (exhaust upgrades, brake upgrades, etc.)
Roe Racing (fire extinguisher, tubes, filters, and advice)
BTR Performance ("loaner" intake system for Dyno Days and great advice)
Doug Levin Motorsports (advice, advice and someday much more!)
Great Brakes (EBC brake pads - Wing King is the best!)
Jon Brobst (now part of Parts Rack, great advice!)
There have been numerous other folks that have been very helpful and I appreciate their help.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I would not have found <u>ANY</u> of these folks if it weren't for the VCA and this message board. My hat is off to them all!