I just wanted to say thanks to Jon and team Partsrack.
Great service! Thanks guys...
PartsRack.com - Home
Great service! Thanks guys...
PartsRack.com - Home
I think about 25% of Viperclub.org is all PartsRack compliments
Which is why it never ceases to amaze me that the corporate motto is half of all advertising is wasted.
"HALF OF ALL ADVERTISING IS WASTED.....Success lies in determining WHICH HALF !"
Our PartsRack motto is "If It Fits On or In a VIPER........"
"HALF OF ALL ADVERTISING IS WASTED.....Success lies in determining WHICH HALF !"
a little diff twist on the same truism:
"Perhaps the most famous line ever uttered about advertising — it is generally attributed to John Wanamaker, the founder of the eponymous Philadelphia department store — is not a credit, but a jibe. “I am certain that half the money I spend in advertising is wasted,” Wanamaker is said to have quipped. “The trouble is, I do not know which half.”"
The Better Half: The Artful Science of ROI Marketing
The frequency kind of becomes the determining factor. When you start every post with "Half........." ....................
You get your wish, E : What YOU do is now related a bit to VIPER !
The frequency kind of becomes the determining factor. When you start every post with "Half........." and conclude every post with "If it............." then it almost becomes the de facto motto by sheer presence, regardless of the corporate status the latter has.