Putting at rest concerns of the Viper Community

Vipermed 97.01

Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Tampa Fl. USA
<font color="red"> This is a copy and paste to a response from us to a post initiated from a concern viper owner. </font>

To All;

First and most of all, I would like to wish Mark a speedy recovery and wish him the best.

I have talked to Mark about his shipment. Unfortunately, sometimes we are only strong as our weakest link. Saying this, I promised Mark his delivery many times, and at the end, it had to be postponed several times. This last time, it was an unfortunate mistake on shipping that my wife, Joyce set up.

Everyone knows that my son has been sick, and I also work as a FireMedic at the FireDepartment. Everyone that knows my work and has received my products know that I stand behind everything I do or sell. I know that I am hard to get a hold of, and as you know I'm usually constantly on the board. However, due to the above circumstances in my family, the time that I am in the shop goes 100% in trying to get work in the shop done.
Please do not thing that I use this an excuses, as I know that good communication is a back bone in good business. This situation is a perfect example. Also, anyone here that knows me, or has visit my shop, will attest to the fact that I am very meticulous and sometimes a fanatical perfectionist. Unfortunately, in my situtation there are certain stages that I'm forced to use outside sources, which I must take full responsibility for, rather good or bad.
One of the few things that we are not doing in house, is paint work. We must rely on an outside vendor. Those who know painters, know that they are a very procrastining breed. For this we take full responsibility, as the vendors we use represent our business and products.
As said before, I do not pretend to use the illness of my son as an excuse, but as a dedicated father and understaff business man, it takes it's toll.
I take extreme amount of pride in what I do. Any of you that have spoken with me on the phone, when reached, will attest to the fact that I will spend an extreme amount of time explaining and detailing procedures and information in general, whether purchasing parts from us or not.
We currently house 14 Vipers in the shop in different stages of build which demands an extreme amount of time. Although my staff does not share these but my personal shop hours usually consist of 10am to about 2am, as I accomplish most of my work after hours. I also encourage concerned parties to phone me after hours, as it is sometimes the best time to reach me personally. I will make myself available over the next few weeks to answer all phone calls and concerns.
Please know that this not just a business for me.As the Viper experience has been a very important part of my life by turning a hobby and passion into a business.
Now to address individual concerns:
Starting with Mark - For you that have doubt of our intentions, we will be more than glad to post pictures of his hood and rear diffusior which I must add is a work of art. I assure you with Mark's return he will also be posting his excitment in these products.
Jeff Mortin - You contacted me a few months ago with regards to designing a Lemans Facia. We are and have been in the process of designing Lemans replica parts. As anyone who is involved in R &amp; D and at the same time running normal day to day operations know that this a long process. Jeff, I must admit your post here confuses me, as I never made any committment to time and you even offered to give me a deposit, which I refused, as I could not promise a completion date. I feel very strongly that nothing is astray here. Your patience would be appreciated and know that we are still working on it. I do not feel that I have violated any committment here and therefore, the post you made was uncalled for.
Lou Leone- Thank you for patience and continued support. As you know, Joyce has been keeping you abreast of the progress of your motor. I will shoot you an e-mail with an up to date progress.
Roof - Your post confused me as it indicated that you had ordered products and not received them. This confuses me, as I personally verify that all ordered products from you were shipped and received. You have a great collection of Vipers and we are proud to have our products represented in them. As you know all parts that you have ordered from us in the past we have expedited and taken pride in great products that you recieved. The small problems that you may have encountered were rectified immediately.The seats that you had for numerous months while waiting for installation at your installers convenience, left us in a situation with no return cores to enable us to make our convienent exchange program for others. I even offered when you were done here in Florida for the Nationals, that I would personally install them for you.We are one of the few companies that offer an exchange program on most of all our parts, ie..interior pkgs, cylinder heads, c/f packages, with no deposit required for the core and just work on the handshake method which unfortunately has left us a shortage of our returned exchanges.Upon receiving your seats back, you had asked for a price on our hood, side sills and other misc. parts. We said we did have them in stock and would work your credit towards those parts, as we did with the recent side sill covers you received.
GTS Dean You initially contacted us regarding purchasing a takeoff hood, which we had. Upon speaking with Gerald who was interested in one of our new hoods, he was concerned about offsetting cost with his takeoff. I spoke with Gerald and yourself to bring you together to assist both of you in this transaction. There was no profit received for the sale of Gerald's hood to you. Upon completion and installation of Gerald's hood we e-mailed you that the takoff hood was crated and ready for shipment. Unfortunately, your shiping address had been misplaced. Not hearing back, we once again e-mailed you with the same request. Unknown to us, this was a little use account, but was the only address we had. I am sure you will verify that these attempts were made. As far as damage to the hood, you have attest to the fact that these crates are extremely heavy and well constructed. Alot of time goes into the building of these crates. We have asked for pictures of the damage so we can forward to the freight company for adjustment. These crates are 80 by 80 by 36 weighing 250lbs and the hood is secured to the crate. It was my assumption that you would be repainting the hood due to some bubbling under the paint in the front. This was done as a convenience and favor to Gerald and you. Please forward pictures so we can proceed.

In ending please understand, the VCA and Viper community is an extremely important and respected community in our business and our personal lives. As a family owned and operated business we take great pride and can assure you that we will be here for years to come.We also have reserved two booth for the VOI to display and offer some of our unique products, but more importantly, looking forward to putting faces to voices and names that we have dealt with for years. As said earlier, I attend to make myself available for all phone calls to be answered personally for any concerns and issues. For those who have Nextel Wireless service, my id # is 161*190949*4, this is the direct to talk radio for my phone and also toll free [1-888-vipermd. The only days that I am not available are my Fire Department on duty days, that consist 24hr on 48off. Many have asked why I keep such a busy schedule and continue with the FireDepartment. This is a job that I take great pride in and I'm closing in on retirement years, plus with two chronically ill children, the benefits are a must. Tomorrow will be my on duty day, but also know that there if is an immediate and urgent situation, I call in periodically and Joyce can give me the message.
Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience.

Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Louisville, KY usa

I will post the emails from months ago stating you would credit my card immediately. I have several that state this. you did not send me the right seats 2 seperate times!!! I ordered them and you shipped them the wrong color!!! I was out of town for better than a month I would not make my wife ship them out! to this day I have not recieved credit. If not recieved today I will seek full legal council in how to recieve this from you! I called numerous times still no return call!m I told you on the phone and email not to bill my card again and you chose to do so anyway! you said your wife did it by mistake! YOu need to call me now!!!!


I have emails from 6 people that scott owes serious MOney too! they are scared to speak! scott I am Not and you need to get this crap cleaned up ASAP!!! NO EXCUSES!!! We all hate your son is sick, but that is no reason to mislead or basically steal from customers!!!

Scott your product is good your customer service *****!! you need to get it worked out! I expect a call soon!!!

what good does it do you to save peoples lifes on one hand and screw others on the other hand????

think about it!

Waiting for your call!!! and more so my credit!!!

Bill B

Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Plantation, Fl. 33323
Scott as a third party observer and a recent happy customer I will state the obvious. Back up this post with action! That will cure allot of problems.

Vipermed 97.01

Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Tampa Fl. USA

Funny thing. Have received 0 phone call or messages. Did you not leave messages? As far as billing credit card by mistake, you were only billed for you what received, Nothing More! Please produce evidence that you were billed for a product you did not receive. I also have the original order of what you ordered and what you received. The only question was that you thought the sneaky pete was not centered, which we immediately picked up, both seats, rectified and re-shipped. I feel you are telling a one sided story here, but non the less, as it appears you are no longer interested in our products you will receive your refund, less the side sill covers you received. I can assure you if you attempt to reach me, I will be available. 1-888-vipermd.
You are making statements of people personally contacting you while I'm unaware of such concerns, but as I said I will be available to receive all phone calls for any and all concerned parties. Also, Dave, the only communication we have had was e-mail. As you remember, myself and Joyce left numerous unanswered calls to your phone while we were trying to get our cores back. While I understand you're out of town alot of the times. Please put the shoe on the other foot. Per our e-mail I said, I would refund even though the seats were custom made for you. You then followed up with e-mails regarding side sills and a hood. Please continue our dialogue with a phone call and if you feel that legal action is necessary then pursue.

I value you as a customer and a viper owner and regret that this has come to this.


Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Louisville, KY usa

you are not telling the truth.

This is Really Sad!

You say you have not recieved Phone calls and yet I call and left several messages!

did you or did you not tell me the credit was being issued ASAP several weeks ago? You sent me side sills in which I posted on this board and never ordered from you direct. this is funny! I love them and they will look great on my car! However I ordered seats specially from you. I ordered red on the outside and black on the inside. I recieved them backwards with a crooked LOGO! I sent them back for exchange and you still sent them backwards! I told you I did not have time to install them and it would be a while and i asked for a credit you sent them anyway! They set in my garage for a month and when I returned I sent them back. you offered me a full credit. when I recieve this credit i will consider buying a hood and more parts. I have spent alot of money with you. and you will not call me. Unbelievable!!!!!!

again you need to call me ASAP i have called you enough!!!!

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Scott, if you need any help let me know. I have some time on my hands these days.

BTW Dave Garrett asked me to help out delivering his hood and/or Viper on the 15th. Let me know if you would like me to help.


Apr 9, 2002
Reaction score
I love these he said/she said threads. :eek:

btw - I before E except after C. "receive" not "recieve"


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with Roof. You are not telling the truth. We talked last fall and you told me that you would have a prototype by the first of the year. after learning that your son was sick, we talked and you said you needed time to take care of your personal life. When we talked after the first of the year you assured me that you would have a prototype ready by spring. NOT only did I not get a prototype, I have not heard from you and you have not returned any of my e-mails or phone calls. I am in business for myself and I know how important customer service is. If I treated my customers in the manner you have treated me. I would not be in business. Hope you get your S*#T together.


Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
proracer, did you pay or put a deposit with scott to work on the prototype?

That's what I was wondering. If he didn't, and he's pissed because Scott didn't spec out and manufacture a custom piece that no one else makes quickly enough, that seems pretty weaknuts to me. Have someone else make it.


Jul 7, 2001
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Just to state the facts in my situation. To date, I have no evidence that Scott has lied to me in anyway. I'm still hoping that everything pans out.

If people have info which they want scan and have posted to the web, I can provide the space.

I'm interested in staying neutral until crossed or otherwise provoked. As I've said before, all-in-all it'd be a shame to lose Scott to he-said, she-saids. Evidence is once thing, hearsay another.



Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
WOW! This $hi* is better than TV!!
I am making more popcorn...... :p


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
just for the record...... yes Scotts son of course comes first. I am not denying that at all. My problem with Scott is that he knew about this early fall and PROMISED me a piece by late spring. When I did talk to him after the first of the year( the last time we talked by the way)he told me " it's almost ready, we ran a little behind because of Nick" So Mr. redGTS my nuts are anything but weak. He should have told me that he could not do it in JANUARY. this way I could have had AUTOFORM customize their fascia with rectangle lights. Scott assured me I would have it by spring. THAT'S MY BEEF..... Oh ya, little redgts wanna run em? and we can see who has WEAKNUTS???

Vipermed 97.01

Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Tampa Fl. USA
I agree with Roof. You are not telling the truth. We talked last fall and you told me that you would have a prototype by the first of the year. after learning that your son was sick, we talked and you said you needed time to take care of your personal life. When we talked after the first of the year you assured me that you would have a prototype ready by spring. NOT only did I not get a prototype, I have not heard from you and you have not returned any of my e-mails or phone calls. I am in business for myself and I know how important customer service is. If I treated my customers in the manner you have treated me. I would not be in business. Hope you get your S*#T together.

I usually don't respond to any of these threads, however, I do periodically view them. With all due respect, I personally talked to you about a month ago in regards to the prototype. I remember because I had to put you on hold and ask Scott about it, as (please don't laugh), I thought you were talking about a Pontiac Lemans. At that time I told you that he said that it was not done yet and he was still working on it.
This prototype was not going to be made just for you. This was designed to be added to our product line. Also note, that at that time you offered to put a deposit on it, and Scott told you no as the work was still in the development process. So forgive me if I don't agree with you when you say that he needs to put his S##t together, maybe it's you who needs to.
Joyce Schenfield


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
OK Joyce... misunderstandings happen all the time....So why no return e-mails or calls? Also Scott knew how badly I needed/wanted the fascia.


Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Proracer, since you brought it up, what's your best time so far? I remember a thread a few months back where you told someone your car ran "low, low 10's," but after 1Tony asked you specifically how low you never replied. Post a slip for us.

Oh and I note the answer is no, you didn't give Scott a deposit for the custom part you wanted him to make, and now it's just a "misunderstanding." That's a step back from not telling the truth, isn't it? And I gather your comprehensive knowledge of customer service and dealing with people professionally that you gained from running your own business doesn't extend to dealing with tuners on a public forum (or Supra drivers on the road, as I recall).


Apr 14, 2001
Reaction score
Jackson, NJ, USA
David (and anyone else who paid by credit card):

you dont need him to credit your account. You simply need to call the credit card company and "dispute" the charge. The credit card company will fax you a form to fill out (you provide the return shipment documents) and your account will be credited immediately. Just as in landlord/tenant situations where the tenant has all the rights, the consumer has all the rights when it comes to credit card transactions.



Feb 5, 2001
Reaction score
if you got double billed you should have the statement.
Your credit card company should be able to pick that up.
Hope you all work it out.


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
David (and anyone else who paid by credit card):

you dont need him to credit your account. You simply need to call the credit card company and "dispute" the charge. The credit card company will fax you a form to fill out (you provide the return shipment documents) and your account will be credited immediately. Just as in landlord/tenant situations where the tenant has all the rights, the consumer has all the rights when it comes to credit card transactions.


Yea this would work but it has been over 30 days. Many CC companies will not do anything if it is over 30 days since the statement.


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Little redgts......HMMMMM lets see I deal with Arrow Racing...DC Performance...Macedo Motorsports...Roe Racing....Woodhouse Dodge and others. Never one problem,actually they will ALL have nothing but good things to say about me. I have helped out many other tuners with question and answers...... The only one I have had a problem with is VIPERMED and Scott. As far as the misunderstanding Joyce is the one that thought I was talking about a PONTIAC LeMans......So the misunderstanding is on thier part NOT MINE...I didn't know Vipermed was a Pontiac LeMans specialty shop.....One last question for you? I am NOT the only one having problems with Vipermed and Scott. Have you ever done business with him? Probably NOT......So why don't you mind mind your own business.


Aug 23, 2001
Reaction score
Vipermed97,01 you are in a no win situation call Roof and whoever and get it off the board. I own my own company also and it seems no matter if 1 million customers are happy the one unhappy customer can cast a black cloud on your
business. In the past i have only seen you helping and supplying product to the viper community so resolve this with a phone call and good luck.

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