Nice looking car. No big honking front license plate law in Sweden?
Big honking = large![]()
Set the remote down and back away from the television Chuck...
I dumped my cable in February. Now I have rabbit ears and a digital box and I hardly ever turn it on. The cable company tried to get me to sign up for $9 a month. I told them I'm not paying $9 to watch commercials and if they want me to then they should be paying me. They haven't called back...but I also cancelled my LAN line a few months ago so maybe they were trying.
My cable is $188 a month. But then of course there are plenty of channels with no commercials.![]()
Heck, you're on the internet as much as I am, what do you need cable for?
How do you think I get my Internet?
Plus, will Blockbuster have live NASCAR and F1 races for me on Blueray HD DVD?![]()
on topic, the two-tone seats/interior look. I'd like to do the same thing with a slightly darker shade of gray