Hi, I’m looking for a bit of info that I thought you all could help out with. It sounds simple, but the internet is full of random info making this difficult to actually figure out.
I’m about to be in the market for a Gen V Viper with the all red interior. However, and I’m embarrassed to say I’m having this much difficulty figuring it out...I can’t find out what years had it and what it was called. A few things:
- I’m only interested in the interior that is entirely red. More common is the red/black interior.
- Because of the red/black interior, I’ve found a lot of sites that refer to the all red interior as Demonic Red, and the red/black as Demonic Red.
- I’ve also read that it’s part of the Laguna interior package. But elsewhere I’ve found it implied that it only applied to the all tan interior (for lack of a better color description).
- I’m unsure what years the all red interior was offered. Always? Only some years?
I think this is the case of the internet just having too much bad info to resolve in a general search. I’m sure somewhere has the right answer, but there’s always another site that offers a different answer. I’ve spent a fair amount of time on this, but have yet to find a definitive answer. So I’m hoping someone here can help.
Thank you in advance and looking forward to joining the club (properly) soon
I’m about to be in the market for a Gen V Viper with the all red interior. However, and I’m embarrassed to say I’m having this much difficulty figuring it out...I can’t find out what years had it and what it was called. A few things:
- I’m only interested in the interior that is entirely red. More common is the red/black interior.
- Because of the red/black interior, I’ve found a lot of sites that refer to the all red interior as Demonic Red, and the red/black as Demonic Red.
- I’ve also read that it’s part of the Laguna interior package. But elsewhere I’ve found it implied that it only applied to the all tan interior (for lack of a better color description).
- I’m unsure what years the all red interior was offered. Always? Only some years?
I think this is the case of the internet just having too much bad info to resolve in a general search. I’m sure somewhere has the right answer, but there’s always another site that offers a different answer. I’ve spent a fair amount of time on this, but have yet to find a definitive answer. So I’m hoping someone here can help.
Thank you in advance and looking forward to joining the club (properly) soon