A properly installed Racelogic system is not akin to discussing a system standard from the factory ( i.e. Vette, Mustang, BMW, etc. ). The traction control system's key benefit was designed for race cars ( hence that clever marketing name, Racelogic ). You can dial in the amount of slippage wanted, instead of having an on/off switch in the factory machines. So different amounts can be used on launch as well as dialing in the amount wanted on the track according to conditions present ( damp, sandy, hot, etc. ). Pretty amazing set - up and one used by many racing Vipers.
The Quaife is a great unit too, and we have many who are using both units together.
I would give Mark Jorgensen a call again and he can discuss whether you want one system or the other , or both. You may even elect not to do any, but the application from my personal experience, is the Racelogic works very well with the extra power of the Paxton applied to the tarmac.
Best of Luck.