Our test was the Annual Detector Test not the Annual Jammer Test. We test products that work! However, since we get hundreds of e-mails on the subject, things need to be said. Jamming, or attempting to jam a police radar gun is considered a Federal felony punishable with fines up to $75,000 and up to one year in jail, Code of Federal Regulations, CFR 95:422a. According to the Federal Communications Commission, Technical Rules Branch, "both active and passive jammers are illegal and punishable with fines and, in some cases, jail time. Manufacturers as well as jammer owners are culpable. You can not interfere with radio signals." I don't want your arguments here. Many products claim dramatic weight loss without exercise or diet. Coronado looked for the "Seven Cities of Gold." We still haven't found the "Fountain of Youth." Let's leave the Easter Bunny alone. See
www.fcc.gov and enter key word "jammers." Ask them if jammers are legal. You can say anything on a package or on the phone. Due to lack of Federal enforcement of radar jammer regulations, an increasing number of states have enacted their own bans on radar jammers, i.e. California, Utah, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Virginia, North Carolina, Minnesota, Indiana, Washington D.C. We have been testing radar jammers for over ten years. In the words of P.T. Barnum of Barnum and Bailey Circus... "there is a sucker born every day." If you buy a "passive jammer" you are that sucker! Good luck with your speeding tickets and the guarantee that guarantees to pay them. We have found only one, that's right ONE, active radar jammer to work. It only works on X and K bands. Laser jamming is another issue. Laser is controlled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for eye safety. There are no Federal laws restricting the use of laser jammers. However, Minnesota, California, and Utah have enacted laws specifically banning sale, use, and ownership of a laser jammer. Enough on this subject! We did test two laser jammers. Roy Reyer from radarbusters.com came to the test with his shinny new Harley, Peace Officer Special, Ultra Classic FLHTCUI. Roy is a retired police officer with twenty-five years service. His new Harley was stealthed out and we called it Stealth Hog!. Roy's Harley is equipped with an ****** 8500 attached to a chrome handle bar mount. Unique to this set up is the Legal Speeding H.A.R.D. (helmet assisted radar detection) system. A small microphone by the 8500 transmits radar warnings by wireless microwave to Roy's helmet and illuminates a led light letting him know when radar is near. The 8500 does offer an external audio output for motorcycle use. Roy also added a Blinder laser jammer to his arsenal with the front and rear transponders mounted in a concealed manner. Roy won't get lost as he put a GPS system on his handlebar. Roy ask us to test the Blinder and we did along with ******'s Laser Shifter. The Shifter may stand alone or be integrated with the ****** SR7 remote or 8500. Our test was attended by a writer for many major automotive magazines. He was very interested in the jammer issue, so we tested to see how stealthy Roy's Stealth Hog performed. With officers operating the laser gun's Stealth Hog approached the 1,000 ft. cone and then the 500 ft. cone. The LTI laser gun was fired and Roy was Stealth Roy. The Blinder jammed the laser gun at both distances uncovering at about 200 feet which is normal. We then cranked up the ****** test vehicle and ran it at the laser gun...same result. At the writer's request, we then tested four Rocky Mountain Radar, radar/laser jammers. The officers operated the guns, first radar and then laser. We had just seen Roy's Stealth Hog successfully jam the laser gun. The drama was short lived as all radar guns immediately clocked the test vehicle containing the RMR jammers. We then ran all RMR jammers against the laser gun. Same result. We ran the RMR jammers a total of sixteen times toward the police operated radar and laser guns. Not a hint of jamming. Then the writer was shown how to operate the radar and laser guns and he aimed them at the RMR jammers approaching the 1,000 foot cone. He saw for himself. Same result. The only "jamming" that took place with RMR jammers was the word "Jammer" on the box.