I'll chime in too.
I bought 2 (two) Ron Davis radiators from JonB. One went south and started to leak after 1 year, so instead of returning it and dealing with all the hazzle shiping it here and there, I just bought another from JonB.
I kept the old leaking one in my garage and participated in one of those RD radiator threads about my leaking radiator.
JonB called me and said that RD would like to get my radiator back to see what they could do to solve the situation. So I packed it and they called about 1 week later. For some odd reason it looked like the old radiator was distorted. Beats me, but to make sure there was not a reaccuring condition on my car, I pulled out the new radiator off the car and took pictures of it for RD.
Ron Davis sales manager called again and we reached an agreement that they would repair the old one for me free of charge. This was fine with me, since 2 good radiators is always better than one. I could use the #1 (older one) as a spare.
To my suprise they called 1 day later..... They were afterall not going to repair my old one as we agreed on, but they wanted to send my a
brand new one, free of charge.
And they did.
I am still driving with the "#2" RD radiator in the car, no leaks inspite hard lapping at Poconos! It is now 2 years old.
Only thing I can say for anyone considering RD radiator, They have been long time in business and manufactured lots of radiators. Mine had a problem with it, which was undetermined what caused it.
Inspite of that Ron Davis Radiators decided not only to honor our agreement for a warranty service, but they offered a new one at no charge.
#1 was out of warranty at that point, so for a company to take care of customers as they did with me if absolutely fantastic. For JonB to call me is equally fantastic. There is a good reason to support vendors as both above.

My 2 cents.