Hi Everyone Over the summer people have been asking for an autocross event.
The calendar was already filled.
Well I just got notified from Pat Madigan that there was another autocross event for Saturday September 24th.
We have that date open as well, and it's been a couple of years since we have done an autocross event. The event is held at Fort Devens Air Force base. There is plenty of run off, and the course is like 1.5 miles long. Here is the link to sign up. Let me know if you are interested in going. I hope you can Make. Don't forget to checkout the Video below. Shawn made this video 5 years ago. Rick
If you want to unleash your viper on a closed course with no other cars (or police!) to worry about then the autocross event we have scheduled for September 24[SUP]th[/SUP] at the retired Fort Deven’s runways in Ayer, MA are for you. The runways make up 1.5 miles of closed off tarmac with cones setup to challenge novice to expert driver’s skills and for you to learn your cars limits by racing against the clock. The below bird’s eye picture illustrates this autocross course that is one of the best around.
Speeds for most cars are between 30-50mph (vipers tend to get a little above that in the straights).
Instructors are on hand to do a drive along with you to help you understand the course and provide tips on navigating the course.
This is a low cost event that has few requirements when
compared to track days. These requirements include:
1. Make sure the battery is securely fastened.
2. Check/ top off brake fluid, engine oil, and coolant.
3. Check for loose wheel bearings/ suspension parts.
4. Check hoses, belts, and excessive fluid leaks.
5. Throttle linkage must move freely.
6. Check tire pressure
7. Remove all loose objects from car.
8. Tires to have 2/32” tread.
9. Check seat belts are securely fastened and not fraying.
10. Snell helmet 2000 or better.
We encourage all Viper owners to attend an autocross event. It’s easy on the car (1 lap done at a time and laps are approx. 1.5 minutes long), has nearly no risk, teaches you so much about how your car responds under load, and is a whole lot of fun to both watch and drive! This is an event that will show you the performance side of your Viper. So come out and see that the Viper does not only look good at car shows but actually performs.Here is a link to a video of the fun to expect at this year’s Autocross events! II 2006 NEVCA.wmv

NEVCA Autocross at Fort Devens
If you want to unleash your viper on a closed course with no other cars (or police!) to worry about then the autocross event we have scheduled for September 24[SUP]th[/SUP] at the retired Fort Deven’s runways in Ayer, MA are for you. The runways make up 1.5 miles of closed off tarmac with cones setup to challenge novice to expert driver’s skills and for you to learn your cars limits by racing against the clock. The below bird’s eye picture illustrates this autocross course that is one of the best around.
Speeds for most cars are between 30-50mph (vipers tend to get a little above that in the straights).
Instructors are on hand to do a drive along with you to help you understand the course and provide tips on navigating the course.
This is a low cost event that has few requirements when
compared to track days. These requirements include:
1. Make sure the battery is securely fastened.
2. Check/ top off brake fluid, engine oil, and coolant.
3. Check for loose wheel bearings/ suspension parts.
4. Check hoses, belts, and excessive fluid leaks.
5. Throttle linkage must move freely.
6. Check tire pressure
7. Remove all loose objects from car.
8. Tires to have 2/32” tread.
9. Check seat belts are securely fastened and not fraying.
10. Snell helmet 2000 or better.
We encourage all Viper owners to attend an autocross event. It’s easy on the car (1 lap done at a time and laps are approx. 1.5 minutes long), has nearly no risk, teaches you so much about how your car responds under load, and is a whole lot of fun to both watch and drive! This is an event that will show you the performance side of your Viper. So come out and see that the Viper does not only look good at car shows but actually performs.Here is a link to a video of the fun to expect at this year’s Autocross events! II 2006 NEVCA.wmv