Rear Caliper Mod vs. EBC Greens or Brakeman 3\'s?
OK, I've sold my OO RT10, and I'm going to be getting a 98 GTS within the next few weeks (depending on trailer driver's schedule). With my 00RT10, the stock brakes would lock up the fronts very quickly. When I added EBC Greens, I got less dusting, better modulation, but also less initial bite. I'm trying to decide whether to:
1) Go EBC's all-around
2) EBC's up front, with Brakeman3's in back to help brake bias
OR, I'm seriously considering going with the rear brake caliper mod that Tom has a available for $600 + core exchange. I'd go with the 38mm rear caliper, which should bring my brake bias to almost exactly the same as a front Stoptech Brake kit (Stoptech front caliper is smaller than stock front. Tom's mod is a bigger rear caliper, giving the same ratio of brake caliper area, but I think would make an overall better braking system than the Stoptech fronts only, since you'd have more total overall brake caliper area). Now, I'm talking stopping power here, and not brake fad resistance. The Stoptech fronts would probably be better for fad resistance.
I plan to auto-x the car a lot, and do a few track events here and there. Nothing major.
Anyone have any experiences with the above setups?
OK, I've sold my OO RT10, and I'm going to be getting a 98 GTS within the next few weeks (depending on trailer driver's schedule). With my 00RT10, the stock brakes would lock up the fronts very quickly. When I added EBC Greens, I got less dusting, better modulation, but also less initial bite. I'm trying to decide whether to:
1) Go EBC's all-around
2) EBC's up front, with Brakeman3's in back to help brake bias
OR, I'm seriously considering going with the rear brake caliper mod that Tom has a available for $600 + core exchange. I'd go with the 38mm rear caliper, which should bring my brake bias to almost exactly the same as a front Stoptech Brake kit (Stoptech front caliper is smaller than stock front. Tom's mod is a bigger rear caliper, giving the same ratio of brake caliper area, but I think would make an overall better braking system than the Stoptech fronts only, since you'd have more total overall brake caliper area). Now, I'm talking stopping power here, and not brake fad resistance. The Stoptech fronts would probably be better for fad resistance.
I plan to auto-x the car a lot, and do a few track events here and there. Nothing major.
Anyone have any experiences with the above setups?