nice avatar pic VicTxV10
Nice pick-up Eucharistos....

oh the irony........
nice avatar pic VicTxV10
so heels may not have had anything to do with it as so many of you have stated in this thread? if you stand by your statement in bold, then why have you been pushing the heels theory so much?
Nice pick-up Eucharistos....
oh the irony........
6. Do not text or use a cell phone while accelerating with a Viper.
Passenger seat **'s don't count.![]()
High heels are the real killer here. I think we need the Democrats to look into this.
Condolences all parties involved here, how horrible to be involved in an accident like this where people died.
As viper owners, understanding what happened could be of benefit to us all. Although I think the same elements always seem to come into play. Driver error & weather related accidents seem to be the norm just like an accident in any type of car.
On the heels angle... Some women can run in heels faster than I can run in tennis shoes...I agree it is best to wear driving shoes, but heels are like second nature to some women...
I would think unfamiliarity with the car & wet tires are probably to blame.
now see all you clowns, it took a woman to actually talk with some common sense on what most likely happened..![]()
Not sure that I see the difference between what she said and what others have been saying all along. It's just that you'd rather listen to her.
Bob says "Wash my car" and you say "Piss off." Kala says "Wash my car" and you say "How many coats of wax?"![]()
...and how do we know that Kala doesn't wax already?really more than 1 coat of wax in my opinion is a waste of time.
Well, since Bob is holding back some much needed info and has stated she had very little experience in a Viper, I'm going to guess she was 16 driving daddy's car??
My Mom and her cousin are the two ladies that died in this accident. They were both wearing their seatbelts. They were both very active working ladies not really "elderly". My Mom died instantly from blunt trauma to her body, she was in the back seat of the car. They were both sweet ladies that always helped others always smiled and were kind to everyone. My heart is brocken I can't make sense of any of it. I keep thinking she is still on vacation and will be home soon. I started to try and find the answers, all I came across was the you tube video and this forum which was sent to me. The initial police report doesn't say too much and there doesn't seem to be any news reports on the accident (although you can find every other accident in the paper). The driver of the Viper is in her early 40's, so at the very least she does have experience driving a car but a viper as we all know is a different animal. I want to know so that we can do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening to anyone else. That is what my Mom would want, she was all about peace and love...miss you Mom, I wasn't ready for this one..
My Mom and her cousin are the two ladies that died in this accident. They were both wearing their seatbelts. They were both very active working ladies not really "elderly". My Mom died instantly from blunt trauma to her body, she was in the back seat of the car. They were both sweet ladies that always helped others always smiled and were kind to everyone. My heart is brocken I can't make sense of any of it. I keep thinking she is still on vacation and will be home soon. I started to try and find the answers, all I came across was the you tube video and this forum which was sent to me. The initial police report doesn't say too much and there doesn't seem to be any news reports on the accident (although you can find every other accident in the paper). The driver of the Viper is in her early 40's, so at the very least she does have experience driving a car but a viper as we all know is a different animal. I want to know so that we can do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening to anyone else. That is what my Mom would want, she was all about peace and love...miss you Mom, I wasn't ready for this one..
Peace,My Mom and her cousin are the two ladies that died in this accident. They were both wearing their seatbelts. They were both very active working ladies not really "elderly". My Mom died instantly from blunt trauma to her body, she was in the back seat of the car. They were both sweet ladies that always helped others always smiled and were kind to everyone. My heart is brocken I can't make sense of any of it. I keep thinking she is still on vacation and will be home soon. I started to try and find the answers, all I came across was the you tube video and this forum which was sent to me. The initial police report doesn't say too much and there doesn't seem to be any news reports on the accident (although you can find every other accident in the paper). The driver of the Viper is in her early 40's, so at the very least she does have experience driving a car but a viper as we all know is a different animal. I want to know so that we can do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening to anyone else. That is what my Mom would want, she was all about peace and love...miss you Mom, I wasn't ready for this one..