Site programmer
The new version of the Record Keeper is now online for your use.
Due to the new database design, you will need to re-enter any previous records.
To add a record, click "Add Record" from the menu. You will be prompted to login. Use the same username and password as you use here for the forums and it will validate you. If you do not have an account on the forums, you will not be able to post a record.
You may edit your scores at anytime by clicking "Modify Record". That way, as you get better/faster/stronger you may update your own information.
Track Rats, when entering a record, you will be able to list which track the record is placed at. Please check for your track in the database first. If it is not listed, you will be able to add your track to the database. When doing so, please use proper title spelling. For instance, do not enter "new england dragway" but enter "New England Dragway".
When entering times, please enter them such as x:xx.*** and mph as ***.xx. DO NOT ENTER THINGS SUCH AS "465 ft lbs" for a torque rating, just enter "465". If you do enter other information, the system will NOT score you properly.
As with any project, there is bound to be a weird thing or two pop up. As more data is entered, we will be able to adjust as needed. Please *PM* or EMAIL me with any problems.
Thanks, and enjoy...
Due to the new database design, you will need to re-enter any previous records.
To add a record, click "Add Record" from the menu. You will be prompted to login. Use the same username and password as you use here for the forums and it will validate you. If you do not have an account on the forums, you will not be able to post a record.
You may edit your scores at anytime by clicking "Modify Record". That way, as you get better/faster/stronger you may update your own information.
Track Rats, when entering a record, you will be able to list which track the record is placed at. Please check for your track in the database first. If it is not listed, you will be able to add your track to the database. When doing so, please use proper title spelling. For instance, do not enter "new england dragway" but enter "New England Dragway".
When entering times, please enter them such as x:xx.*** and mph as ***.xx. DO NOT ENTER THINGS SUCH AS "465 ft lbs" for a torque rating, just enter "465". If you do enter other information, the system will NOT score you properly.
As with any project, there is bound to be a weird thing or two pop up. As more data is entered, we will be able to adjust as needed. Please *PM* or EMAIL me with any problems.
Thanks, and enjoy...