Short of calling and bothering Sean, does anyone know what the design changes were on the ROE blower manifold from the first run to the current design? I have one of the first 50 production runs and have read that the later design addresses the issue with cylinder #10 running so rich. The reason I ask is that I pulled the blower off last night to refinish my tubes and inlet and noticed a lot of gunk in the corner of the manifold by cylinder #10. In layman's terms, it look like there is a pocket of dead air that gets generated or the design introduces some harmonics in that area or in the rear of the manifold. I think when I recharged my air filters, the excess oil accumulated in that location allowing me to now see how some of the airflow is/is not moving in the manifold. I didn't have standing oil or W/M, it looked more like a dirty frying pan. Didn't take any pics since I just cleaned the mess and moved on.