few questions for the pros...which is a better SC and why? i know the ROE is easier with install but im concerned with HP. which will create more HP with my mods? they both seem to be selling for the same $7500 price.
Couldn't the Roe VEC 2 be used to fine tune the Paxton or even a TT system?
Paxton not being reputable???? You realize they have been in business for almost 40 years and tested their systems thoroughly while Roe was having heating issues, etc...?
Paxton not being reputable???? You realize they have been in business for almost 40 years and tested their systems thoroughly while Roe was having heating issues, etc...?
Heating issues?? Are you talking about the couple of people who overheated their cats? Boy that was a real problem.
And your kit wasn't DIY if Archer installed it and tuned it. You have exhaust mods, which Paxton has specifically said are unsuited for a DIY install of their kit. And if you do get anywhere near 700's on a dyno, then you really, really don't have a DIY kit as Paxton's kit is only rated in the low 600's at the flywheel, or mid-500's on a dyno. Where are the people who have done a DIY Paxton install on their own car and say it works fine? Not saying there aren't any, but we know there are numerous owners who fit that description with the Roe kit. The only Paxton DIY'ers around here seem unhappy to say the least.
not to mention how can you not like this http://www.vipersbyelite.com/viper_091.htm<br />
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Hey! you following me poser