I might of missed this in earlier specifications, but I noticed in the Road and Track Video of the Gen V, the motor oil cap now is stamped SAE 5W-40 with no brand name recommendation.
It only recommends "synthetic". I wonder if this will change by the time the car hits production? I use 5W-40 a lot in our diesel trucks and all of our older petrol trucks.
Because of the ACR-X series and Ferrari using Pennzoil, I figured they would have been the company to step up and pay to have their name on the oil fill cap.
It only recommends "synthetic". I wonder if this will change by the time the car hits production? I use 5W-40 a lot in our diesel trucks and all of our older petrol trucks.
Because of the ACR-X series and Ferrari using Pennzoil, I figured they would have been the company to step up and pay to have their name on the oil fill cap.