If the idea to detune was the right one, how many customers cars were dropped off at SVS to get that "Worlds Fastest Viper" Twin Turbo package? The idea to race on Sunday and sell on Monday has been around for years. With such a strong showing people should be throwing money at you to have their car as fast as yours.
If you ran 220 you'd be so backlogged right now it would take you til spring to get the cars out. The funny thing is that the same car that runs 246 at Bonnevile on 25 psi squeaked out 200 at 7.67 psi in the mile....
It's all Secret Squirrel stuff, but seems a little strange to me.
HEY EVERYONE! I think we found the REAL OSAMA BIN LADEN! Its JUANMOTIME disguising himself and afraid to come out of his cave! He's somwhere in a wharehouse in Naperville IL...or is it Dallas Texas. Juanmotime (OSAMA) do you aspire to TERRORIZE SVS and their accomplishments? Do you disguise yourself because you feel your own accolades are not good enough for you. Are you really a shy person who was picked on (I'm a victim

)and it makes you feel better to hide yourself because you cant stand on your own in front of everyone. All you have is discrediting with nothing to back it up. Stop calling your trolls to get your dirty work done for you because you are so bitter.
I would suggest coming out of your cave and getting some sun......your skin is gray and getting worse. Stop the turmoil in yourself.
Juanmotime = OSAMA BIN LADEN MEANTALITY………. with a dash of Snidely
Funny you should ask!..... because at this time our shop is full, and we are starting a back log. The guys at SVS are tremendously skilled and……..sorry, but we build everything in house for our precision crafted turbo systems. We have had great response from people who understand the TRUTH and what SVS accomplished. Beating the Big cannons(so they say

)...... with a sqeaked out pea shooter. Better tuning.
Our set-up to go to bonneville was around 7 psi. I believe we pushed it to around 10psi. Did you know that the Stryker has the same heads on it since 1997? These are the same heads that we had on when we blew the gaskets at 227mph.(watch the video on our site....that is the run when I blew the gaskets) We put them back on and went on to run 246.742mph. Then we went to the Sandhills with the same engine, same heads.....only lower boost 7.67psi and proved our superior level of tuning. This now equates into our customers new systems.
We actually used right around 10psi to do 246.742.
In Research and Development (Which everyone else says we are the best at) the SVS first rule is:
Sneak up on it. Like a ……“Viper” ……would do to a rat……. in a cave.
I hope this helps all the people that have a problem with the detuning issue.
Research and Development with Information Building = Knowledge = Greater Precision in Performance = Proven Winners and Greater Reliability.
The funny thing is that the same car that runs 246 at Bonnevile on 25 psi squeaked out 200 at 7.67 psi in the mile..
The funny thing is that your explanation of this is misconstrued....and not even close to understanding what happened!
Thanks Juanmotime. What is it after the next time…………….jusjuanmotime
Next is the quarter mile. Want it at 7psi, 9psi, 12psi, 15psi which do you prefer? Or which do you think you can handle?
Someone on this board needs to look into juanmotime.