I'm not interested in starting another sectarian Valentine vs ****** war, as I own them both and like them both. I don't need to be "saved" by the Valentine gospel, as I've already been saved by my Valentine many times, and I DO appreciate the directional feature. (But that isn't what this post is about.)
This post is about a first person experience with ******'s laser shifting technology, as seen on their ZR3 laser shifter and SRX radar detector/laser shifter.
I've got an ****** SRX installed in my SRT-10. Cost me 750 for the shifter and 1000 for the install. The radar component has saved me a number of times, but up until today, I'd never had any "opportunity" to test its laser shifting abilities. I had heard good things about the laser shifter from a friend who is a police officer, and also a local sherrif who happened to be at the dealer when it was being installed. (Both said that the shifters worked. The sherrif said that they worked so well, he hoped that they were outlawed.)
Anyway, I'm cruisin down the highway this afternoon, not going really fast but not really paying attention either. Suddenly, the laser alarm goes off. Well, I'd never heard the laser alarm before, so I didn't recognize it at first; sounded like a cell phone ringing. I'm looking around, wondering if someone left their phone in my car. Then the voice from the SRX speaker began saying "laser" and I looked at my display and it was reading "shifting shifting."
Finally, I got a clue as to what was happening, just in time to see a police officer hiding behind a concrete piling shooting me with his laser gun. I passed right by him, close enough to see his expression. He was looking at me, then looking at his gun, with a somewhat confused and grumpy look on his face.
I was doing about 75 in a 55, so the shifter definitely saved my butt.
Nice to know that the thing actually works.
This post is about a first person experience with ******'s laser shifting technology, as seen on their ZR3 laser shifter and SRX radar detector/laser shifter.
I've got an ****** SRX installed in my SRT-10. Cost me 750 for the shifter and 1000 for the install. The radar component has saved me a number of times, but up until today, I'd never had any "opportunity" to test its laser shifting abilities. I had heard good things about the laser shifter from a friend who is a police officer, and also a local sherrif who happened to be at the dealer when it was being installed. (Both said that the shifters worked. The sherrif said that they worked so well, he hoped that they were outlawed.)
Anyway, I'm cruisin down the highway this afternoon, not going really fast but not really paying attention either. Suddenly, the laser alarm goes off. Well, I'd never heard the laser alarm before, so I didn't recognize it at first; sounded like a cell phone ringing. I'm looking around, wondering if someone left their phone in my car. Then the voice from the SRX speaker began saying "laser" and I looked at my display and it was reading "shifting shifting."
Finally, I got a clue as to what was happening, just in time to see a police officer hiding behind a concrete piling shooting me with his laser gun. I passed right by him, close enough to see his expression. He was looking at me, then looking at his gun, with a somewhat confused and grumpy look on his face.
I was doing about 75 in a 55, so the shifter definitely saved my butt.
Nice to know that the thing actually works.