Paolo Castellano
Saw Smokin\'s car over the weekend at Heffner\'s.......
I have to say that Smokin V-10's car is more beautiful in person than how awesome it looks from the pictures posted here and at Viper Alley. Jason Heffner started that baby up and it sounds really extra mean. One thing that really impressed me about Smokin's car was that how it started up and idled completely like a stocker with the throttle cable not even hooked up. All high HP cars I have ever seen take a few seconds to turn over and start up. Smokin's car cranked the same "da-da-Broom" like a stocker. What was funny was that Jason had to move Smokin's car out so we could get my car out for me to do some cleaning. He backed Smokin's car out into the parking lot, parked it and brought it back in with no throttle input and injectors that are more than double the size of the stock injectors with the car idling like a kitten. The bracket was out being chromed and Jason was putting some finishing touches on Gary's car since they have added the bigger intercooler and the bigger injectors like Smokin has in his car. They should make some great new numbers very shortly. My car should be done in the next month or so, with the spring weather starting to peak through the winter veil, my car should be ready just in time for the good weather.
I have to say that Smokin V-10's car is more beautiful in person than how awesome it looks from the pictures posted here and at Viper Alley. Jason Heffner started that baby up and it sounds really extra mean. One thing that really impressed me about Smokin's car was that how it started up and idled completely like a stocker with the throttle cable not even hooked up. All high HP cars I have ever seen take a few seconds to turn over and start up. Smokin's car cranked the same "da-da-Broom" like a stocker. What was funny was that Jason had to move Smokin's car out so we could get my car out for me to do some cleaning. He backed Smokin's car out into the parking lot, parked it and brought it back in with no throttle input and injectors that are more than double the size of the stock injectors with the car idling like a kitten. The bracket was out being chromed and Jason was putting some finishing touches on Gary's car since they have added the bigger intercooler and the bigger injectors like Smokin has in his car. They should make some great new numbers very shortly. My car should be done in the next month or so, with the spring weather starting to peak through the winter veil, my car should be ready just in time for the good weather.