Scared to Drop you car off for Service? HONEST TO GOD SOLUTION!! NO WORRIES!!


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina

So here it is, I drop my Viper off to get the A/C condensor replaced due to a leak, and I know LITTLE about this dealership since I am NEW to california. So I do the usual Anal Rententive Viper owner thing... telling the Service tech NO DRIVING. I want it to the mechanics bay, and then parked, NO drives.

The service tech gives me the same old 'well we'll try not to, but if we need to test the AC only the Viper Tech will take it"

Thats like saying, dont worry, the only one who is going to bang on your baby is a guy who is certified to beat on 'em. :smirk:

So I'm like Damn... I remember seeing this thing in my SCT tuner that says 'valet' I have no idea what EXACTLY it does, but conceptually I have an idea, its going to lower the cars power to hopefully mitigate a jackazz from doing stupid stuff with it.

So I put it in that mode RIGHT in the dealership lot, and then leave to worry about the call all day, but I did tell the technician I put it in Valet mode so he doesnt call me hours later saying the car has major engine issues.

So works complete, I go get the car, and I totally forgot to bring the SCT tuner to take it back outta 'valet' mode. So I say how bad can this be, big deal....

Oh, it doesnt reduce power, it CASTRATES THE **** ! omg... I was limping it around and I'm getting pissed.. I'm thinking, no way can I drive this car like this.. its slower then a neon (swear to god, yes.. I would EASILY get beat by a base neon).

But as I'm reaching the ****** of getting pissed, I start noticing I'm smiling... Wait a minute.... this THING WORKS... AND WORKS BIG. I quickly figured out, you basically have to switch to the next gear when it cuts the power, but you can easily drive the car, it just commands complete respect and easy throttle and short shifting, and we'll get you where you need to be.

Guys this is quite simply the best money I've ever spent on the viper for significantly lowering my stress over dropping it off at dealerships! We wont even mention that this is JUST a side feature to all the OTHER great things you get from an SCT tune.... (Like better hp/tq , more cooling (early on fans), skip shift eliminator (which comes back in valet mode), less poppping, etc.


Dan Craig did mine.. fyi.

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Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
So now I gotta figure how I can buy one of these and secretly program it into Kurtis car before we go race. :lmao::lmao::lmao:


Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
Dripping Springs, TX
I do recall that it isn't a bad idea to write on service order something along the lines of ....

Car cannot be test driven without owner accompaniment.

I like that limp mode though!
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Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
I do recall that it isn't a bad idea to write on service order something along the lines of ....

Car cannot be test driven without owner accompaniment.

I like that limp mode though!

Let me know when you find a dealership that stands by that, or even lets you do it. They usually tell you that in order to do that, they would need you to stay there while they do the work, because they dont have any clue when the tech will need to take it for a drive.. blah blah blah...

I've tried it, and a lot of the service techs just blow it off. The ONLY service tech I have actually liked (and still do) is Mark Jorgenson. All the others I have delt with SUCKED. But I do have a host of Viper Techs I like, just not their service writers.



Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
Dripping Springs, TX
Ah ... but if they do and they wreck your car ... I believe that is where it makes a difference....

Let me know when you find a dealership that stands by that, or even lets you do it. They usually tell you that in order to do that, they would need you to stay there while they do the work, because they dont have any clue when the tech will need to take it for a drive.. blah blah blah...

I've tried it, and a lot of the service techs just blow it off. The ONLY service tech I have actually liked (and still do) is Mark Jorgenson. All the others I have delt with SUCKED. But I do have a host of Viper Techs I like, just not their service writers.



Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
I also like the idea of writing the mileage on a big yellow notepad and taping it to the dash so that everyone is aware that you are watching it.


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Yeah, you guys are trusting people too much on that one. Read the forums of how many of our precious cars get wrecked due to carelessness and abuse from service people.

Nope, I'll trust a computer to always tell the truth, and do what I tell it to over someone I dont know very well.

My plan is fool proof in stopping them from abusing the car by way of its massive power, you guys on the other hand are trusting stickys and peoples word. (ever have someone lie to you? I have).

Not refuting either one of your solutions can work, and before this SCT Tuner, I had to do those too.. Now I can do those AND guarantee no one is going to beat on my car :)



Viper Owner
Feb 13, 2002
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Sure maybe one can put a car in limp mode and make the computer all but fool proof when brought for service but the power disablement may in itself lead to the cause of an accident or your car could suffer unusually rough handling because of this action. It's probably better to bring your car to a facility that you are at the very least somewhat familiar with when at all possible as well as and perhaps most importantly to cleary indicate in writing as to what is acceptable and what is NOTunacceptable near the signatrue line on the service order. it's also a good idea to accurately document your mileage when dropping off. Circle the mileage so that it is readily apparent that it was obtained and documented by the owner. These few tips may greatly aid you should the unthinkable happen. My 2cents, your mileage may vary.

Yeah, you guys are trusting people too much
on that one. Read the forums of how many of our precious cars get wrecked due to carelessness and abuse from service people.
Nope, I'll trust a computer to always tell the truth, and do what I tell it to over someone I dont know very well.

My plan is fool proof in stopping them from abusing the car by way of its massive power, you guys on the other hand are trusting stickys and peoples word. (ever have someone lie to you? I have).

Not refuting either one of your solutions can work, and before this SCT Tuner, I had to do those too.. Now I can do those AND guarantee no one is going to beat on my car :)

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Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Sure maybe one can put a car in limp mode and make the computer all but fool proof when brought for service but the power disablement may in itself lead to the cause of an accident or your car could suffer unusually rough handling because of this action. It's probably better to bring your car to a facility that you are at the very least somewhat familiar with when at all possible as well as and perhaps most importantly to cleary indicate in writing as to what is acceptable and what is NOTunacceptable near the signatrue line on the service order. it's also a good idea to accurately document your mileage when dropping off. Circle the mileage so that it is readily apparent that it was obtained and documented by the owner. These few tips may greatly aid you should the unthinkable happen. My 2cents, your mileage may vary.

They always record the milage right in the ticket, so thats never a problem. But that also has never stopped anyone from taking the car for a 4-5 mile drive to 'make sure everything is ok.'

Also explain how I can take a car to a dealership I am familiar with when I now live 2000 miles from my last home? And I haven't had anyone tell me hands down there is a viper friendly dealership here that doesn't have its problems. Hell even the one I went to, Kurtis told me one of the mechanics he personally saw using a CUSTOMERS Viper as a parts transporter, running parts to another automotive shop by way of the Viper. :mad:

I'm not really sure about the rough handling your talking about due to decreased power.

But to each their own. This forum is full of people who 'trusted' service centers to perform service on their car, to only come back later or get a call saying the car had been in an accident, wrecked or totaled.

The three Vipers I have bought and personally taken to dealerships across the country has shown me, power corrupts and when you give it to people that have no respect for it, or your property bad things can happen.

Now I know when I say DONT DRIVE MY CAR, I dont need a piece of paper, a stern warning, or prayers/hope. I have a computer that will make the drive not even worth taking. :D

To each their own.. I'll rest better knowing I now have this option.



Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
When I read posts like this, I don't know how you guys/gals can manage with a dealership (service techs) that you don't trust COMPLETELY.

I seriously doubt I could enjoy my Viper. As it is, when we take our Infiniti in for a lease required oil change, I'm petrofied that there'll be damage somewhere that I'll eventually have to cure. If I faced a similar experience with my Viper, I'd sell it.

Solid Red 98

Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Go to Valaya Racing in Santa Jose for service and 'stuff'. They beat on race Vipers regularly so they don't need to get their jollies hammering on our "tame" street cars.
Those guys are great. When I leave my car there I don't worry a lick. :2tu:


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
The only true solution is to go to a reputable dealer and technican you trust. Everything else is a band aid. My tech here in Colorado treats the car better than I do which is hard to believe but true. he is the ONLY one to drive it, etc. That is a dealership you cna trust.

As far as actual valeting a car, well.........I think that speaks for it's self. If you valet it and ask them if they have watched "Feris Bueler's Day Off" and they go "Dude that movie was awesome", well there's your sign.

Fast Too

Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
Linden, VA

So here it is, I drop my Viper off to get the A/C condensor replaced due to a leak, and I know LITTLE about this dealership since I am NEW to california. So I do the usual Anal Rententive Viper owner thing... telling the Service tech NO DRIVING. I want it to the mechanics bay, and then parked, NO drives.

The service tech gives me the same old 'well we'll try not to, but if we need to test the AC only the Viper Tech will take it"

Thats like saying, dont worry, the only one who is going to bang on your baby is a guy who is certified to beat on 'em. :smirk:

So I'm like Damn... I remember seeing this thing in my SCT tuner that says 'valet' I have no idea what EXACTLY it does, but conceptually I have an idea, its going to lower the cars power to hopefully mitigate a jackazz from doing stupid stuff with it.

So I put it in that mode RIGHT in the dealership lot, and then leave to worry about the call all day, but I did tell the technician I put it in Valet mode so he doesnt call me hours later saying the car has major engine issues.

So works complete, I go get the car, and I totally forgot to bring the SCT tuner to take it back outta 'valet' mode. So I say how bad can this be, big deal....

Oh, it doesnt reduce power, it CASTRATES THE **** ! omg... I was limping it around and I'm getting pissed.. I'm thinking, no way can I drive this car like this.. its slower then a neon (swear to god, yes.. I would EASILY get beat by a base neon).

But as I'm reaching the ****** of getting pissed, I start noticing I'm smiling... Wait a minute.... this THING WORKS... AND WORKS BIG. I quickly figured out, you basically have to switch to the next gear when it cuts the power, but you can easily drive the car, it just commands complete respect and easy throttle and short shifting, and we'll get you where you need to be.

Guys this is quite simply the best money I've ever spent on the viper for significantly lowering my stress over dropping it off at dealerships! We wont even mention that this is JUST a side feature to all the OTHER great things you get from an SCT tune.... (Like better hp/tq , more cooling (early on fans), skip shift eliminator (which comes back in valet mode), less poppping, etc.


Dan Craig did mine.. fyi.


I have a "Valet", and a "no start" card for my VEC 3. They are effective as well. Takes about 2 seconds to castrate my car with them.


Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
over the years, after taking many high ticket cars in the shop for service. My issues have not been with Joy rides, but with damage occuring at the facility. Now, Tator is the only one who touches my viper. So, no worries..

Timing couldnt be better for this thread.. Right now, Im dealing with a new "door ding" on my E55, after picking it up from being serviced today. This was absolutely NOT there, when I dropped it off.. Now it becomes an issue of "how can I prove that"... The reality of the situation is, I cant and will end up eating it... I already know it.. The good news is there is no paint damage. So, one of the "dent wizard" guys, should be able to handle for $50-75 or so.. If there were paint damage, I'd be looking at diminished value as well. 1 panel painted on a benz = $7-10k in value, GONE!!

Its just frustrating the level of incompetence from a benz dealer.


Jun 24, 2008
Reaction score
Golden, CO
over the years, after taking many high ticket cars in the shop for service. My issues have not been with Joy rides, but with damage occuring at the facility. Now, Tator is the only one who touches my viper. So, no worries..

Timing couldnt be better for this thread.. Right now, Im dealing with a new "door ding" on my E55, after picking it up from being serviced today. This was absolutely NOT there, when I dropped it off.. Now it becomes an issue of "how can I prove that"... The reality of the situation is, I cant and will end up eating it... I already know it.. The good news is there is no paint damage. So, one of the "dent wizard" guys, should be able to handle for $50-75 or so.. If there were paint damage, I'd be looking at diminished value as well. 1 panel painted on a benz = $7-10k in value, GONE!!

Its just frustrating the level of incompetence from a benz dealer.

I hear ya regarding the damage at the dealer. That always seems to be my problem too. Recently, I had a radiator drain and flush on my 2500 Ram and...don't ask me how but they somehow managed to splash water onto both batteries and the acid water got onto the paint and etched it:omg:

If any of my vehicles go to the dealer now, I wash it before going to the dealer and I do a pre-service inspection walkaround with the service advisor and have them note and sign off on any preexisting damage so the "how can I prove it" question does not arise.