A friend of mine was in from out of town and I was taking him for a ride in the vip. We had been on the road for about 30 mins and after showing him a small portion of what the cornering capabilities of the car were, I accelerated out of a turn and was in 2nd at about 4800 rpm's.
All Hell broke loose. There was a TON of smoke that came out of the hood vents that momentarily blocked my vision, a very short flash and some liquid onto the windshield. I pushed in the clutch, shut the motor down, and looked into the rear view mirror and noticed what looked like either an aerobatic plane with its smoke on, or a NASCAR racecar after the motor let go, lots of smoke.
I coasted to the side of the road, and looked through the hood vents to see if I could see any flames, but thankfully there was none but there still was some smoke coming out of the vents. I opened the hood and everything was covered in some type of oil. What a mess. It was even dripping off of the hood pad. I checked the dip stick and the engine oil was full. Seeing that I decided to see if the car ran. I started it and all of the gauges popped up to where
they were supposed to be, and the engine sounded fine so I decided to slowly drive home (about 5 miles).
As I went to turn around It became clear immediately what had happened. Something in the power steering broke and it was power steering fluid that was all over everything including the paint. (these cars sure steeer hard in manual mode.) I made it home and looked under the hood but couldn't see anythinge really obvoius other than the power steering resevoir was empty.
I called Chrysler Roadside and the car just left on a hardback as I am writing this to get repaired. I will keep everyone in the loop as to what failed.
One other thing, I highly recommend carrying a fire extinguisher in your car. I do in all of my cars, have for years. I thought about the momentary flash in my car and thought how helpless I would feel if I had to watch my car burn had that happened and I wasn't carrying an extinguisher. I spent a little extra and got a HALON one for the Viper instead of the dry chemical like I have in my other cars. Hell, now that I think about it,
I still have a fire system in the garage from an old race car with 3 nozzles that maybe I might install (5lb w/panic button).
sorry to be so long winded.
All Hell broke loose. There was a TON of smoke that came out of the hood vents that momentarily blocked my vision, a very short flash and some liquid onto the windshield. I pushed in the clutch, shut the motor down, and looked into the rear view mirror and noticed what looked like either an aerobatic plane with its smoke on, or a NASCAR racecar after the motor let go, lots of smoke.
I coasted to the side of the road, and looked through the hood vents to see if I could see any flames, but thankfully there was none but there still was some smoke coming out of the vents. I opened the hood and everything was covered in some type of oil. What a mess. It was even dripping off of the hood pad. I checked the dip stick and the engine oil was full. Seeing that I decided to see if the car ran. I started it and all of the gauges popped up to where
they were supposed to be, and the engine sounded fine so I decided to slowly drive home (about 5 miles).
As I went to turn around It became clear immediately what had happened. Something in the power steering broke and it was power steering fluid that was all over everything including the paint. (these cars sure steeer hard in manual mode.) I made it home and looked under the hood but couldn't see anythinge really obvoius other than the power steering resevoir was empty.
I called Chrysler Roadside and the car just left on a hardback as I am writing this to get repaired. I will keep everyone in the loop as to what failed.
One other thing, I highly recommend carrying a fire extinguisher in your car. I do in all of my cars, have for years. I thought about the momentary flash in my car and thought how helpless I would feel if I had to watch my car burn had that happened and I wasn't carrying an extinguisher. I spent a little extra and got a HALON one for the Viper instead of the dry chemical like I have in my other cars. Hell, now that I think about it,
sorry to be so long winded.