I need help A.S.A.P. I bought a Roe supercharger off of a 1999 viper (gen2). I want to put it on my 1996 RT/10 (gen1). I have been getting conflicting info about the wiring horness. Some say that some of the 1996 models have the
same pcm module that the gen 2 has & that it uses the same wiring horness as the gen 2 while some of the models
have the gen 1 pcm. I’m not sure if a special wiring horness is required or not. Sean at Roe does not have any gen1
parts any longer. Do you have any useful info regarding the wiring horness? Better yet, does anyone out there in
Viperland have a wiring harness for the Roe supercharger for a gen1? I am in St. Louis, Mo. Thanks, John Parlow: 314-822-9903
same pcm module that the gen 2 has & that it uses the same wiring horness as the gen 2 while some of the models
have the gen 1 pcm. I’m not sure if a special wiring horness is required or not. Sean at Roe does not have any gen1
parts any longer. Do you have any useful info regarding the wiring horness? Better yet, does anyone out there in
Viperland have a wiring harness for the Roe supercharger for a gen1? I am in St. Louis, Mo. Thanks, John Parlow: 314-822-9903