Jay Herbert
still cant download pictures to my gallery in case anyone wants to know.
On the "to-do list", thanks for bringing it up. It is an issue with the program that generates the thumbnail images.
The remaining slowness is the banner ad server.... working on it. The forum should be "click and appear" fast while we are fixing the banner ad server.
Software upgrades are to follow. We wanted to get the new server running and debugged fully first.
The server upgrade included:
CPU: 280% faster, four time the on board memory, and duo core
Memory: twice the amount, 300% faster
Bus: 400% time faster
drives: 50% faster
operating system: from 32 bit to 64 bit
Best of all we still have room to grow: we can add another duo core CPU and triple the current memory.
Who want's to volunteer to help test/develop the next generation Forums and Marketplace?