Viper Owner
Do Dodge dealerships need to have technicians certified on the Viper in order for them to work on them?
What area are you in and what work is needed and what year car?
Heh heh....I was just inquiring if they went to extra training....I know my GT-R can only be serviced by a tech that went to 2 weeks of additional training....
I believe that for true mechanical work that is the case. I doubt that if you come in for the lube-oil-filter routine that would be needed though.
One comment that was made by Jon B of Parts Rack (pretty sure...) was that to be certified as a Viper Tech was really only a few days of training. Not really that impressive sounding is it?
I would pick out your dealership and ask to meet their SRT tech and service manager. Tell them you are a bit nervous about having someone work on your car and I'm sure they will answer any questions you have.
What area are you in and what work is needed and what year car?