Setting a record.


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
As many of the other people on this board have the same inclination that I have: "Variety is the spice to life"

I bought the Viper with one of those 3 year loan programs sponsored by Chrysler that allows you to turn the car back in after 3 years. My 3 year period of time is coming to a close.

It seems like I just got the car the other day.

I still love it as much as I did the first day I got it.

I still get a rush every time I see.

I still get a stupid grin every time I push down on the accelerator.

I've of course refinanced it.

I've never kept an exotic car for more than three years. I'm going into uncharted territory.

After 20,000 miles the car has never broken down on me. It has never not started. It has only been in the shop 2 times for minor repairs. An oil line gasket got a little leak. The door hinge cracked. Both of these were fixed in less than one day.

The bottom line is that this has been the most fun, reliable, attractive car I've had.

The really dilemma is whether to get the 2003. The car I have now is so perfect I'm not sure I could improve on it.

Have a great day. Sorry I tend to ramble a little, but its my favorite subject.

Ron Hickey

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Falls Church, VA
And with 20,000 miles I'll bet your car runs better than it did with 5,000 miles. The Gen I RT/10 and the Gen II GTS will always be the "classic" Vipers. And for less than half of the difference in what you'd have to come up with to buy a new SRT/10, you can do a lot of mods which will make your current Viper more enjoyable and every bit as fast -- if not faster -- than the out-of-the-box SRT/10. Yeah, it won't be the "latest and greatest," but it will still be the car everyone thinks of when they think Viper.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."