Shifter trim bolt clips


Aug 1, 2023
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta
When I last pulled my center console I noticed that I was missing one of the clips that the shifter ring trim screws into. I have also taken this off an on a bunch of times so some of the others are also not quite as tight as they used to be. I would like to order a set of these and replace them once I have all my work done on the car (does the work actually ever end haha).

Not sure if someone has a part number or knows the exact style of clip I can get. I have a bunch of metric ones that I use on my other cars but these didn't work for the shifter trim. I also couldn't find the exact thread and pitch of the screw using a gauge that I have so I figured I would ask here and just buy a bulk lot of them as I am sure they are cheap and would be good to have filling up my tool box.
