Viper Owner
Yikes.. Xanadu,I was J/K....(no bongloads for me) Glad you turned your life around.....Dave
My 04 SRT-10 is very much more civilized than the 1st Viper to roll off the line.
My 04 SRT-10 is very much more civilized than the 1st Viper to roll off the line.
Dirk, no flame, I respect your opinion. But in my opinion your quote says it all.
If we wanted civilized, why did anyone ever buy the Gen I's to begin with. The Viper would have died with the Gen I's. Civilized is not what made the Viper a world famous car.
Raw, untamed, crude, overpowered, down right hard and scary to drive are the attributes that made the Viper the name plate to own if you wanted the best in the world.
Those who wanted civilized never bought a Viper, they stuck with civilized, a corvette.
I don't mind technology updates as long as they are optional and can be turned off.
But I sure as hell don't want a Viper that feels like I'm driving a corvette.
If the Viper goes from being scary to drive to anyone can drive, it's lost one of its first and biggest claims to fame.
Just one man's personal opinion.
Xanadu, you don't understand. Maybe someday....
We don't want high tech, we want raw (yes, Viper owners). If I want engineering and toys I'd buy a Mercedes SL55. There's a reason it weighs 4200+lbs! No emotion.
If the Viper died tomorrow, I'd be sad. BUT if it kept going and turned into a Mercedes, Corvette or Porsche I'd be sadder.
Its Ryck, not Bud, Bud.I respect your opinion too Bud.
If you do not want to work at driving its no fun. I can get in a roller coaster and go fast, but if I'm not driving its no fun.I would rather have something that I'm working a just little less at keeping on the track than stressing and fighting to not loose it all.
NOT.(and more speed equals equals more smiles)
Good question, next time I'm out with our local F-40, 288 GTO, 355 Spyder, 360 Spyder, and Lambo Gallardo owners that we drive around with, I'll hit the brakes and slow down long enough so they catch up and I'll ask them if they like their "gadgets." Not one of them can run like a Viper, they are all more style, less performance. The gallardo is getting close, but in real life, not paper specs, 0 to 100, the Viper eats their lunch.Do you really think that the guys in their "gadget" assisted Ferrari's, Lambo's and Porsches' are really thinking about those gadgets when looking at the Vipers in the rear view mirrors? Of course not.
That's not hypertension, nor stress, this is called adrenaline. We want more of it, lots more of it! Get out of that corvette and try some on for once.hypertension from the added stress factor.
I don't buy it either. I sure never made that statement, nor implied it. I just do not want a computer to control my enjoyment factor. If I wanted a computer to do all the driving, I'd have bought 3 corvettes, not 3 Vipers.I don't buy the "my car doesn't have those e-lectronic gadgets which make me more manly than you", either.
I respect your opinion too Bud.Its Ryck, not Bud, Bud.
It's not Bud? Sorry Pal.
I would rather have something that I'm working a just little less at keeping on the track than stressing and fighting to not loose it all.
If you do not want to work at driving its no fun. I can get in a roller coaster and go fast, but if I'm not driving its no fun.
So Pal, you think that there is no work in driving around Sebring at a faster speed than my 84 yr old grandma? Do you think traction control, etc. is some sort of auto-pilot? Oh wait, I forgot. There's drifting. While the Vette's (and I really don't care for Vette's btw) are continuing to dominate in racing, LeMans and other racing events, there will be Vipers doing the drifting dance because a few purists could not imagine driving with any technology. Few years down the road, Viper owners will see their model end because the purists and/or SRT wouldn't accept modern engineering. Makes even better sense why DC doesn't work at getting back into racing the Viper when there's "drifting". They had a great thing years ago with impressive LeMans victories and some others, but that's old reminiscing. Besides, what's the fun in winning when you can "mash the gas and slide sideways".
(and more speed equals equals more smiles)NOT.
Sometimes its about putting along at 40 mph all by yourself, not another car in sight, dropping down one gear, dumping the clutch, stomping the gas, the tires breaking lose, the rear end of the Viper coming around sideways just a little, input some counter steering, jamming back into a higher gear, still mashing the gas, still roasting the tires, still sliding sideways just a little bit but now to the other side because the counter steering pulled you back but just a hair too much, now you're approaching 80 mph, you're running out of room before the turn comes up, you brake, you down shift, you mash the gas, you break the tires lose again, but this time because its the only way you can make the turn, you enter a four wheel drift, when you make the turn you mash the gas again and cap off around 80 mph and slow down. Then you check your underwear to see if it needs changed. Once you find that out, you start laughing your ass off until you cry. (been there done that! will do it a bunch more!)
It does not require much speed at all to have fun and make big smiles!
Do you really think that the guys in their "gadget" assisted Ferrari's, Lambo's and Porsches' are really thinking about those gadgets when looking at the Vipers in the rear view mirrors? Of course not.Good question, next time I'm out with our local F-40, 288 GTO, 355 Spyder, 360 Spyder, and Lambo Gallardo owners that we drive around with, I'll hit the brakes and slow down long enough so they catch up and I'll ask them if they like their "gadgets." Not one of them can run like a Viper, they are all more style, less performance. The gallardo is getting close, but in real life, not paper specs, 0 to 100, the Viper eats their lunch.
Viper eats their lunch? Mmm, maybe in that straight line that so many Viper owners only know or care about. By the way, is it really fair, well, maybe for you it is Pal, to compare a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD F-40, a TWENTY ONE YEAR OLD 288 GTO, a TEN YEAR OLD 355 Spyder and a SIX YEAR OLD 360 Spyder (and the Spyders were slower too). Of course the Gallardo is close. A bit newer than the others don't you think Pal?
hypertension from the added stress factor.That's not hypertension, nor stress, this is called adrenaline. We want more of it, lots more of it! Get out of that corvette and try some on for once.
I don't care for the look of the Vette and the fact that it is cookie cut everywhere. But the truth is, the Vette will take the checkered on the track. I guess you think that nothing but a Viper can offer adrenaline, but I hope that your adrenaline will suffice because there won't be any trophies to hold. DC/SRT apparently knows this as well.
I don't buy the "my car doesn't have those e-lectronic gadgets which make me more manly than you", either.I don't buy it either. I sure never made that statement, nor implied it. I just do not want a computer to control my enjoyment factor. If I wanted a computer to do all the driving, I'd have bought 3 corvettes, not 3 Vipers.
Cool, you'll probably also end up with nothing later than a Gen IV Viper unless SRT makes some modern changes. But don't worry, you'll always have the Viper that you wanted.
Now, as I stated before, I wouldn't mind tech advances, I just do not want them to control the car at all times. If there's an on/off button, I'm all good with it. And yes, I will use it, just not all the time.
What this is about, is what will traction control do to the fun factor of street driving. It looks like most agree, if it is nondefeatable, it will ruin the fun factor. If it is a on/off button defeatable type, most have no problem with it. And that goes with any fun, weekend car, not just the Viper.
Traction control is a street tool only, it has no place in racing. And an undefeatable traction control system has no place in any car I own.
Hello, McFly!!??
This post has never been about racing accomplishments. Like you said, if you know about the Archers, Mumford, Woodhouse, McCanns, then you know the Viper wins races against everything else from any manufacture.
This post is not about the Viper being some kind of end all be all supercar. The Viper is not the end all be all of cars. It's just one of a handful of really cool cars. But one that drives and feels more like a real racecar than any of the other cool ones. (which BTW, when my Viper is twenty one years old, it will still kick the living daylights out of F-cars, P-cars, and L-cars - straight or curves)
What this is about, is what will traction control do to the fun factor of street driving. It looks like most agree, if it is nondefeatable, it will ruin the fun factor. If it is a on/off button defeatable type, most have no problem with it. And that goes with any fun, weekend car, not just the Viper.
You think you know anything about what it takes to lap a car around Sebring, or lap a car at 198 mph around anything? You're barking up the wrong tree posing snotty short sided questions about being behind the wheel of a racecar. Been there - done that, made a living doing it.
Which by the way, in professional racing circles traction control has always been considered cheating and unethical in about every form of racing known to man. Other than Fake 1, I mean Formula 1, which is about the only form of road racing I do not like. Traction control, downforce, huge tires, computer controlled cars, no driver input, no passing, a monkey could drive those cars.
Traction control is a street tool only, it has no place in racing. And an undefeatable traction control system has no place in any car I own.
Good points. I don't see how anyone can deny that fully defeatable traction/handling control is needed on Vipers. The "pros" can always turn it off (and I mean DC should make it FULLY defeatable). But the people who just managed to acquire one of these fantastic machines may be saved from their "newbieness." (And I'm not sure how much "fun" I should be having on the street, anyway. Maybe there are a few seasoned pros out there who can power slide at 80 around utility poles and other vehicles, but I know enough to know I'm not one of them!)
Gotta remember the Viper is a STREET car. Street driving needs a button that the driver has to push consciously (Vettes you have to hold it down for three seconds, IIRC) that acknowledges "Hey, I'm taking full control (and responsibility) for my inputs to this beast! I'm awake and alert and ready to accept the consequences for my actions." You might argue that's what you should always say whenever you turn an ignition key, but there is a knowledge gap between what a new owner would like to think his/her capabilities are, and the reality of their ability to handle a beast like a Viper.
I speak from experience - my own and others. A fellow in the next town wrecked his new snake within a couple of weeks of getting it - rolled it up on a hiway ramp - just having fun and easily could have killed two people, but was lucky (that time). I lost the rear end (and somehow caught it again) making a shift to third at about 80 mph when I'd had the car maybe a month... Yes, it was stupid - cold night and tires a little hard - but the point is these cars will lose it with little or NO warning, something owning a Vette for several years did NOTHING to prepare me for (and yes, I switched off active handling at times).
I'm doing what I can to get track time and learn more about the car's (and my) limits - but this takes time. Meanwhile, I try to keep it reasonable, especially on the street. It's very easy to get carried away by the sheer exuberance of that climbing tach. And this is not to say that active handling will save every fool from his folly, but it does at least improve their odds a bit.
Defeatable handling controls are a must in high performance street autos. Let's hope DC wisens up before it's too late. Hate to see these great machines balled up...there aren't that many of them!
There is a mountain of empirical evidence to strongly and easily support your POV. You are in fact solidly correct in your suggestions and your observations. However, around here you are going to find that common sense is rarely common and emotion is in far greater supply than facts. Listening to some of the feeble nonsensical arguments in favor of "keeping the Viper real" if you will by holding obviously beneficial technology back reminds me that few people in fact get the car business or have taken the time to learn the facts about the topic at hand. Listening to them is a lot like listening to someone preach that the F/A-22 Raptor is not a true air superiority fighter because it does not conform to the technical standards of a WWI era Sopwith Camel![]()
BTW, congratulations on turning your life around.
There is a mountain of empirical evidence to strongly and easily support your POV. You are in fact solidly correct in your suggestions and your observations. However, around here you are going to find that common sense is rarely common and emotion is in far greater supply than facts. Listening to some of the feeble nonsensical arguments in favor of "keeping the Viper real" if you will by holding obviously beneficial technology back reminds me that few people in fact get the car business or have taken the time to learn the facts about the topic at hand. Listening to them is a lot like listening to someone preach that the F/A-22 Raptor is not a true air superiority fighter because it does not conform to the technical standards of a WWI era Sopwith Camel![]()
BTW, congratulations on turning your life around.
Been out of town and away from the computer, so I couldn't see numb nuts, aka xanadu, nonsense reply.
HELLO, McFly... When did the amount of money a Fake 1 driver makes EVER have anything to do with if traction control should be on a street Viper? Why would a man of god care about money and materialist things any way? Any monkey could drive those computer controlled monsters. Yes, I too would love to drive one, I wouldn't want to race one.
It never fails to amaze me how all the "Born Agains", hey look at me I'm am a man of god, I sit in the front row of church idiots are the most hypocritical liars and thieves out in the general population.
Any respectful religious person I know would never spout the insulting garbage that you have, xanadu. You need to look in the mirror, you're not the image of god that born agains and Christians are supposed to be.
I thought the scripture was something like, "if hit on one cheek, turn the other," not "if the world does not conform to your way of thinking, strike out and try to make yourself look better than others???" Is god about making your self appear superior to others? Is god about making fun of others who's opinions differ from yours? Is that something new in religion? I must have missed out when they handed out the new bible that teaches to do unto others that which you do NOT want done onto you. I'm sure you've made brownie points with god in these posts.
Go back to whatever church, temple, or what ever it is you meditate in and act like you are living better through a cleaner lifestyle and by treating your fellow man with care and compassion just like god asks of you and that you have so whittingly shown on here.
Now, go ahead and spout some more born again insults that will show your superiority over the rest of us and show what a great born again you are. I'm sure the way you've acted in your posts is exactly how Jesus treated others when he was here walking among us. You are making a fine recuriting tool and example for all born agains and Christians to be proud of, pal.
Dirk and I (which is the post you jumped in the middle of) have had opposing points of view and we've been able to debate them with passion based on our own points of view without getting personal or insulting. You come in here, quote a post and turn it personal, I'm sure just the same way Jesus might have responded to someone opposed to his point of view might I add. I'm not even sure if you own any sports car, let alone a Viper. Which begs the question do you know what the hell you are talking about, not in the book smart way, anyone can read car and driver, but real life experiance way, being behind the wheel of one of these beasts and knowing what it will and will not do and how it will respond to your input, where is the edge, when will I lose it crash and die kind of way. Learn to debate and voice opinions without getting your feelings hurt and turning things personal. I'm mad at myself for lowering myself to your level, I typically do not let meaningless smack get under my skin. I'm done wasting my keyboard on your intellectual Christian like and inspiring pearls of wisdom.
Now as for the topic...Does the Viper need to have nav systems, elect seats, finger print door locks, turning head lights, heads up display, heated seats, heated mirrors and the like??? No, its wasted space, added weight, that stuff will not help sell more Vipers. Its money spent on things that could have been spent updating the drive train....say a Hemi V-10 for example.
Techonlogy is fine, say defeatble traction control for example, but leave the choice to use it up to the driver.
Enough is enough. Scratch the last post. If I want to hear a sermon I will go to church.
And please Xanadu, please do not assert that all christians are the same. I sure as hell am not like you and would never spout off religous effects on a car web site. To do so is not in good taste.
Guess the use or non-use of a capital letter defines me. Now who is trying to humiliate?
I disagree with the "spread the word" campaign. Whether it be here or at my front door. Everyone the world over has the right to practice their own religion, or to practice nothing at all. Period. Without someone's condescending remarks. And yes, your preaching that anyone that does not have the same beliefs and voice as you publicly is not worthy of "everlasting life," reeks of bias and prejudice.
I happen to be Christian (note the capital) but I do not believe I have the right to tell you or anyone else what they should believe in. Period. Be it muslim, jew, hindu, etc.
So either stop your condescending approach of spreading religion and keep this site car, preferably Viper, related. Other wise go join another more appropriate site.
I hear there are more deserving souls on the Gen I/II forum and at viper_alley.com (remove the underline and watch out!)Ta ta