Okay, let's say Lee is right, and the Viper will go on forever, or close to it. Nevertheless, I've had my '08 ordered "forever" (months without a Viper seems like forever), it's been put in J status for a couple of weeks thus far, and yet I'm still waiting without a Viper, frustrated as H*** and can't find out a blessed thing about when I will EVER get a car to drive. This must be what the Avanti prospects felt like Waaayyy back in 1962 when those cars were delayed by contractors who fell on their swords. I just wish Dodge would hurry up and start SHIPPING the cars to the dealers so people-type homosapiens could actually drive them.
Whew! Am I getting stressed out over this months-long wait!?! "It'll be worth the wait", I'm told--over and over again. But that doesn't put me in the driver's seat, does it? My car was totalled because of an idiot who put a 30lb piece of sheet metal on the overpass for a preceding truck to run over and send it flying at my windshield, so here I wait impatiently to spend big bucks on a car that seems like it will never arrive. Can't SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING to get the finished cars shipped?! (Pardon the rant; I'm just frustrated from the top of my old head bone to the tip of my ancient toes.) Anyway, God bless you every one.....I guess it'll finally get to the dealer one day or another.