Silver State Classic -v- Autobahn -v- Montana

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
Reaction score
Jeannette, PA 15644
Hummmm.... Where to drive my Viper as if it were on the Autobahn?

The Silver State Classic! Of course, I thought!

Looks like a Gen II may be illegal to run w/o safety equipment which would turn a stock/valuable car into a race/"worthless" car. (A 130+ mph car needs a roll bar and a 160+ mph car needs a roll cage.)

I went to their web page and you should see all the Hubbub about air bags! They can't even figure out their own rules.

[Restrictor plates are probably not far off.]

It may actually be cheaper to ship my car to Frankfurt and drive around for a month.

I don't think roll bars and cages are required in Germany. [Hell, I'm not that greedy. Just driving around 135 mph is pleasing enough.]

In my book the existence of the Autobahn is proof positive that the Germans' are a superior race!

[My stock broker told me about a big deal in France when he was there (I don't know how long ago), but the big deal was that on their "interstate" the limit is 140 kph (about 80 mph) and a German was given a speeding ticket for 315 (about 203).]

This German thing is sounding better and better to me ....

...but I digress. Am I right about the Viper and the SSC? If anyone can enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it.

What about the Virginia City Hill Climb ... or am I just wishfull thinking?

What about Montana? (Better have Montana plates, Huh?)

Thanks in advance.
Tom and Vipers

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
Reaction score
Jeannette, PA 15644
OK, SSCC recognizes integral roll bar.

Now the 150 class/tech 165 ... just what do they mean be that? What speed can you peak out at on straights? I have no real intention of going the limit on high speed sweepers - because if a tire goes, then school is out.

Actually, what is involved at the qualifying session they talk about? Might that be a cheap track time thing?

Any comments on the Virginia City Hill Climb?

Tom and Vipers

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
Reaction score
Jeannette, PA 15644

What happened to your thumbnail? I actually submitted one about 2 weeks ago and have not yet "received" it.

Who are these SSCC guys anyway? I went to their website and they are very serious about rules and regs. The thread on "Airbag BS" is almost humorous - but actually it is rather depressing. Form 603's are required to prove your airbag has been disabled .... This is sounding like beaurocrats are running things.

Unfortunately, my approach to this stuff is much like I approached drag racing - forget the government and the sanctioning bodies and just do it, ... do it on the street.

What makes me laugh about all of these safety issues is that you could ride your race car with your bare head sticking out the grill and the ods are still that you are going to die from something equally as disgusting as cancer while sitting in your own .... (you get the idea.)

I think that it is ironic that the values people have are so far removed from reality and yet, we have the Viper. It appears to be a total disconnect.

Tom Hoosac

P.S. SSCC stressed that the only way to watch the race was to volunteer for securtiy or "corner" work. Now, the Virginia City Hill Climb had no concern whatsoever for spectator safety. You could sit on a guard rail while an F40 went by at 150 mph. I am going to look into this - it's more my style.
Oct 29, 2000
Reaction score
Great Falls, Montana USA
Hi Tom. Montana did away with it's "reasonable & Prudent" (open)
daytime speed limit last year. Current laws are 75 MPH on Interstates, 70 MPH on secondary roads except where posted otherwise. Granted, it is more fun than most the speed limits back East, but the fines are not. The Cops use "instant on" Ka radar primarily here. Rent a track for yourself locally, and knock yourself out!

As for roll bars at the Silver State, I would presume they are only trying to save you from your self! A roll bar and 5 point system can be tastefully incorporated into a viper. Hennessey did a great job for me. If you want or need a roll cage, it's a bit more involved. If you want to go fast safely, it is your neck that should be the issue, not the resale value of your car. There isn't a one of us who has rolled a car (and it happens) that doesn't think a quality roll bar and other safety equipment is a bargain at any speed. At any rate, you can find most the info you want at the race web Hope this helps. (JD)

Dave Golder

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Katy, TX

Just to give you a heads up on the Silver State and other open road races like them. I have done almost every Open Road Race since 1991. Your approach does not work. I have seen many crashes and even a few deaths out in the deserts of Nevada and Texas at these races. I lost a dear friend in 1992 traveling of 220 mph. We had a nice gentleman die in the 140 mph class in Texas last April. The rules are in place for a reason. I started out racing in the 150 class in a Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo. Then a Supra Twin Turbo then a stock GTS and then many events in my Hennessey 650R. As a matter of fact I kinda got Wayne hooked on this stuff. I now race a Winston Cup Car and won the last event with an Average Speed of over 193 MPH. The record is over 200 which was set in ideal conditions in May of 2000. Road was in great shape, nice tail wind and one awesome car and a great driver... another Viper owner Chuck Shafer. I had a shot at the record in September but we had 30 plus mph headwinds. The shape the road is in now (more and more dips every season)I think the record will stand forever. I will give it one more full on assualt this May but if it does not happen then, then it is time to slow down a bit.

I guess my point is if you do one of these events DO NOT take the safety items lightly. They are there for your benifet as well as your wifes and kids and the other racer that is closing down on you from behind.

Dave Golder

bad viper

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
san bernardino,ca usa
I know what you mean about rules...I'm not
crazy about them either but this is "SERIOUS S***"
to error on the side of safety works! I'm with Golder
on this one!!!!!! See you there Dave!!