Slightly Discouraged New Viper Owner


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
I'm usually watching out for dummazz citicens, and cops at the same time. This alone causes me to drive pretty sober, most of the time. Which kinda makes it no fun for cops, because I don't showboat in front of them. Don't get folowed, and don't give cause either.

If you must get on it, don't do it in urban areas, near schools, in heavy traffic, etc.

Reminds me of a joke-
So I'm riding in this taxi, and the taxi driver keeps blowing through all the red lights! This goes on for several blocks, until he comes up on a green light, then suddenly he brakes hard, screeching to a stop. I ask him why does he stop at the green light, and he says- "My brother is a taxi driver, too. He might be coming by!"