was bored yesterday...shot with iphone so click on HD for best quality...
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Like the car! Nice!
What wheels are those?
I just checked & you can get the pre wax for $6.97 & the synthetic for $19.16 (both 16 oz.) on Amazon & FREE shipping! I've got to admit I was never a big user of Meguiars products until recently a few guys highly recommended Meguiars Mirror Glaze #7 & the Tech Wax 2.0 & I've got to admit they've Both been Pretty Awesome! jmothanks for all your nice comments!! Matt, I use Meguiars Pre-Wax first and then follow with the Pure Synthetic Polymer (always by hand), keep in mind that my car just came out of the shop after 18-months, it was completely taken apart including all interior moldings, etc. and repainted and wet sanded, then cleared and wet sanded, then more clear and more wet sanding and then more wet sanding, etc...When the car is clean people always say it looks wet...
here is the wax I use, the pre-wax is about $12.00 and the synthetic about $25.00 and I use only micro fibers of course...