Gotvenom 08
Ken is correct (Lifeblood), I missed this one.
Well you did miss one.But since you are working for a bargain basement wage.I will say nothing.
LOVE the 'read what I MEAN, not what I type'...lol...you got kids, TIM????? :Tu:
Kids,you mean those small humans that aren't grown up like us? No kids.Just act like one tho!!!!!!!!!!!lol
AWESOME work as usual...AND I'm loving the "NIAGARA INVADES VIPER" :Lao:!
Yea it does have a twang about it.Kind of catchy actually.Will have to make a plaque saying that and hand it out to see if the recipient catches the typo.
The things you make, and you make it look so EASY too...when I know it's not.
Like any thing in life.If you do it enough times you do get proficient at it.Thanks for the comps tho.
WISH we were going so we could meet you...never mind anybody else that's going (), just YOU!
Well perhaps another time.There will be other events hope fully (VOI 11).