I was going to say you were low on refrigerant, but you beat me to it.

Glad you found your leak because that can be a real nightmare to find at times. Pinholes are not fun.
I have complete Bellanger Exhaust system on my 06' and have to run it in recirculate all the time. If it pulls fresh air from the ouside, the exhaust fumes just about kill me in the cabin. Funny as I can not smell anything with it running, standing outside, nor when it is in recirculate, I can not smell anything sitting in the inside, however if I have it set on fresh air setting and am sitting on the inside, it about chokes me out. Weird, but whatever.
Been lucky as my A/C works extremely well. Even on the hot 95+ days, I can't run the A/C on full with the windows up as it is just too cold. I normally drive with the A/C on full and the windows down anyway. That Bellanger tuned V-10 just sounds so "purdy".