Driving your Viper in a high speed environment requires safety! Our driving school policy with safety is strict. You must remember that you are driving faster than you ever have before for a long period of time. This requires concentration but more importantly we must ask ourselves have we prepared our Viper for this time on the track? Remember we do not have pit crews who have gone over every bolt and checked everything. You must be smart and do this yourself. Go to your dealer or race shop and have them look everything over. Do not forget the fluids..., change them all of them! Protect your investment! Oh and do not forget yourself. A good helmet, gloves, long sleeve shirt and pants. Proper shoes......it is only your life!! As for the roll bar....yes it is a great safety item and one we recommend highly but the hard top is better than nothing. Please protect yourself!!
Track time takes a lot out of us, we are not Jeff Gordon or like those other pros who are in great shape, you will get physically and mentally drained. Look for it an BE SAFE!!
Hope to see you at the track soon,