Viper Owner
Pumpability is measured by two laboratory tests that replicate the results of studies over many engine families. These tests evaluated time to **** up cold up through the oil pickup tube, and then time to produce oil pressure at a point near the farthest oil passage (not a nearby location like the oil pressure gauge is usually plumbed into.) So if the oil is satisfactory down to -15C for example, it will for sure be satisfactory at any temperature warmer than that. In other words, the "W" number already accounts for the efficient movement through bearing areas. As long as you don't operate below the temperature for which the oil meets the requirements there is no problem.
One reason diesel oils are different is that with the very long oil drains, the engine combustion contaminants build up over a longer time period. Soot and blowby are tremendously bad actors and do thicken the oil. Therefore diesel oils have large doses of dispersants, which keep the contaminants from thickening the oil and causing unnaturally high oil pressures or damage to filters. You have less chance of popping a filter with diesel oil.
The "W" number and the second number really have to be disconnected. As mentioned previously, you can mix and match these to produce a variety of viscosity grades. Anybody using a 10W30 can absolutely use a 5W30 or 0W30 with only an improvement in starting and no loss in warmed up features. (absent any discussion of additives in the oil.)
Well if everybody agreed with all of your theories and no problems way of thinking, then we all should just be using one weight and grade of oil and there should only be one oil for all the whole internal combustion engine world to use??? I THINK NOT ! But you get an A for effort. Hopefully everybody doesn't agree with you for the sake of their expensive Viper Engines!