I have 40,000 miles of (aggressive driving, I was 20 years old when I bought it, use your imagination) seat time on a 97 GTS. I have recently put about 250 miles (mix of city, country, and serious canyon roads) on a rental 2013 launch edition. I agree with the RESTO MOD comment above, it really does feel like that is the case. Then V is a better car, and I don't mean better in terms of faster, or more reliable, or more technology, or more accessible, I mean it is everything a II is and more except for the widowmaker factor and the looks dept (I believe the II still looks better).
Of course you can instantly kill yourself in a V, but if you really know what you are doing, the car will say "I am going to kill you" and then kill you. A II is not like that (at least in stock geometry and wheels), a II is a true widowmaker car. That is honestly part of the appeal of it to me, it is the only car that has ever really scared me, it is my "Eleanor", the only one I have ever been permanently afraid of in terms of aggressive public-road driving. The problem is that in the spirit of self-preservation, you can't fully appreciate a II on canyon roads, I'm not saying drive 10/10, I'm saying even driving 8/10 in a II can be a nail-biting endeavor. Believe me when I say, I have done things in a II, that in retrospect, were simply ludicrous (such as a 85 mph turn in a 2 lane each side intersection on original pilot sport cup tires...), so this isn't a case of some girly man preferring the one with traction control.
I can understand the financial arguments, and I can understand the looks arguments, but I would suggest really driving a V extensively before saying never, the V is a true, true successor to my favorite car, the II GTS.