Well here we go, there is a post on this forum for a 1997 GTS with 4500 miles @ $42,500. Sounds like this could be the car for one of you! Great year, 708 cam and forged pistons for you nitrous lovers. Now one of you needs to check it out.
Premier Sports Cars has some mint cars if you want to get something now. They will work with you on the pricing. Most of their cars are very low mileage cars and they have great financing if you need that. Merry Carmichael is who I used over there.
If you want it now get it. So what if you say $2000 you'll spend it on something else anyways.![]()
I'm sure you'll have a blast driving it around now in Florida![]()
Premier Sports Cars has some mint cars if you want to get something now. They will work with you on the pricing. Most of their cars are very low mileage cars and they have great financing if you need that. Merry Carmichael is who I used over there.
If you want it now get it. So what if you say $2000 you'll spend it on something else anyways.![]()
I'm sure you'll have a blast driving it around now in Florida![]()
Thanks, I'll look through their site I dont even need financing I have over 40k to spend, you think paying cash would make the process quicker and easier. I just got off the phone with BJ motors, I was calling on a 2000 20k mile GTS black/black/silver stripe, they are asking 49,999, their cost is mid 30's, retail is 41k on excellent condition, the mileage is a little on the high side but not that bad(my cut off is 20k miles) I get on the phone with this joker and tell him which car I was interested in, he goes right off into the typical dealer pitch, that he's had 5 calls on that car today alone, I rolled my eyes, the way the market is right now he'll be lucky to get that in a week, i kind of laughed to myself, to start negotiations I told him I'd be willing to spend 40k, his responce was "not from me you wont", conversation ended right there, these people dont even want to deal, needless to say he was rude, no sports cars are flying out of dealerships at this point, Ive seen prices lowered 3-5k on some cars just this week, others who havent lowered have been sitting for 2 months, I'm eager to get my car in the next couple of weeks, but I am not paying top dollar in a buyers market right now, and I am buying the car I want, Needless to say BJ motors will not be getting any of my money, now or ever. The search continues
You'll have to be real lucky to land a 2000 gts for 40k. I don't blame the dealer for not entertaining that offer; these cars really aren't depreciating much, so the dealer can afford to sit on the car for a while. He probably expects to get 45k, I had a dealer turn down 45k for a 2001 rt-10 with similar milage.
I am sorry. I always prefer to buy from a private party. You save so much on the deal and you won't have to worry about some screwy dealer trying to hose you in the back!!
Premier will deal. I got them to shave off 5K with minimal effort when I bought from them....and the car was mint with only 900 miles. I would recommend them highly.
That was my opening bid, its called dealing, also check out what these dealers are paying for these cars off the auction blocks, mid 30's, its not luck, its called not rolling over and giving the dealer his 10-12k commission,they are there to take as much of your hard earned money as they can, also somebody(pretty sure it was the guy I talked to), just e-mailed me from that place saying to call him, "he'd like to know more about my expierience", is somebody tryng to get snooty with me? no thanks,(that takes allot of balls) took the week off looking to buy a car(please dont pester me again cause you are obviously reading this instead of selling cars), sounds like somebody had to much time on their hands. I'm going tommorow to a dealer near my house who has the same car same year, same condition 19k on the odo, asking 45,000 seen pictures online, and the car looks solid, we'll see , Dont roll over for these guys, I dont care what kind of car it it , cars always depreciate, if you look in the kelly blue book cars values change depending on what area you live in, the kelly blue book is not the all and all end of pricing but it does give you a ballpark figure, of what the car is worth.
One more tip... I bought my Viper off of ebay. When I found the first car, I did a carfax and it came up fine. Then I hired a local Private Investigator to do a background check on the guy. He had forged documents and a felony on this criminal record. Needless to say I didn't do that deal.
The next Viper, the carfax was also clean and the background check was clean. The deal went smoothly and I am very happy!
DANG Dave!! I finally opened up the pic you posted!! Do you know Dexter Jackson? I work with his sister-in-law. I'll send you a PM on a site you'd like.
It is exhausting looking and trying to make a good decision. You've probably seen Richard's Auto here in Jacksonville. Funny I went there Saturday evening to look at their lot. All of the Vipers were tucked away in the garage area will there was a row of Corvettes in front. That says a lot doesn't it?
This is really harder than I thought! (Yeah I know everyone should have such problems)
I think TrainerDave should spend his 40K on more steroids and stop calling around wasting folks time, and then turnaround and bash them on this site for selling their cars for what they are worth. Most folks who are serious about buying a Viper already have one in their garage.
That statement was very rude and ignorent, as are you sir, I'll post the pic's my car when I get it. You are wasteing my time having to read your garbage or should I call it jealousy , just because I probably look 100 times beter than you(you told me that with your steriod comment), doesnt mean you have to hate on me, you are the typical computer troll, talk big when hiding behind a computer, in person if you were to say that in most gyms, you probably wouldnt be leaving in your car , but in an ambulance, but I'm sure you'll just hide behind a computer being the coward you are), you accuused me of doing drugs on an open forum that has my picture? that is slander,are you that dumb? I work very hard to stay in shape and have never used a steroid in my life, so clueless people like you really irritate me, Ive bashed noone here , and have got alot of good tips from the memebers here, you however..... no I dont even want to stoop to your level, Ive just reported your ass, accusing somebody of doing drugs on a public forum is a big no no. Maybe you should work out more maybe you would feel better about yourself. Better yet post a picture of yourself, I'm sure the board would get a good laugh , what a pathetic person you are.
Whatever Trainer....