Of course he can't actually promise you that "lifestyle" (not that you'd want it anyway, if you understood the reality of it)! You see, what Chad presents here is a carefully crafted illusion, nothing more, Let me explain to you what he actually does. He goes out and takes pictures of gorgeous models, and on rare occasions one of them may actually consent to ride in that RED McViper of his (but only if she desperately needs transportation) Then, he posts grainy cell phone pics of these "events", to lead you to believe these young ladies are actually "dating" him. Well, my friend, that is nothing but window dressing for his real life, which is a far less glamorous thing, believe me! What is his real existence, you ask? Well, I have it on the best authority that he spends his evenings at *******, looking as pathetic as a little lost puppy, in the hope that some ******* waitress will feel sorry for his poor, forlorn, dateless, bedraggled self. Once in a while, one of them will feel pity enough for him, and his SLOW, RED Snake, to accept a ride home; nothing more, but these rare events, such as they are, are a highlight of his humdrum existence. He drops them off at the front door, goes home to his miserable abode, and falls asleep dreaming of Kellie Pickler (another unobtainable fantasy of his). Of course, the next day, he regales us with pictures to "prove" his supposed "conquest" of the previous evening. Specious humbug, the lot of it!
Through this constant compensating for his otherwise drab and meaningless existence, he has (mis)led many another here to actually buy a SLOW, RED Viper, in the hope that such is the key to his "glamorous" lifestyle, supposedly so filled with encounters with lovely, nubile young women (never mind that his "conquests" are mere babes, unsophisticated and barely of legal age, who actually believe that fungus of peachfuzz adorning his mug might be a real man's beard)! What he doesn't tell you, is that all the women of REAL taste, discernment, and sophistication have long since left the car show, photoshoot, or whatever, to spend the evening in far more upscale surroundings, in the company of
real men, who, (as we
all know) drive FAST, YELLOW Vipers!)
Were it not for my chivalrous attitude toward the ladies ( I believe passionate evenings with real, memorable and sophisticated ladies should be, like a fine cigar or an excellent scotch, enjoyed in a classy, contemplative, and appropriately private fashion and environment, sans any photographic evidence which might tend to cheapen the encounter), I could give you some personal testimonies in that regard , which, I assure you, would leave you completely convinced that a FAST, YELLOW VIPER is the ticket to the lifestyle of your wildest imaginings and beyond! Unfortunately, modesty (not to mention the desire to avoid another messy divorce!), forbids it; my wife is a tolerant woman who well understands my personal proclivities, but she does have her limits, and certain, ah, "indiscretions" are matters I think I had better not discuss; I'm quite sure you will understand. Besides, I am certain that other (single) members of the YELLOW Brotherhood have similar testimonies to relate, and I hope that they will do so (appropriately, of course; WE are gentlemen, and do not post questionable photographs of our female, ah, companions), but then,
we, after all, have nothing to prove (much less compensate for)!
As for that little matter with your fiancee, well, we can only hope that you have managed to find yourself an exceptionally tolerant and understanding woman, one who values you sufficiently to understand the, ah, wilder moments of the adventurous lifestyle you covet; I'm afraid a jealous fiancee or wife, and a lifestyle of Vipering with other beautiful women, (not to mention the resulting evenings of wine, women and song, as it were), often has proved to be a combustible mixture. I think you had better tread very lightly here (and always have a convincing lie, er, I mean "excuse", at the ready). A lifetime of dodging various unpleasant objects whizzing past my head has convinced me that discretion is the better part of valor here; "hell hath no fury....." and all that. Should you plan to get a FAST, YELLOW Viper, you might find it in your best interest to consider a more, ah, "open" relationship (and even then, some care may be called for); but then, "faint heart never won fair lady" either. "L'Audace, l'Audace, toujours l'Audace!" as the French say; of course, I need not translate.