I've had 4 challenges in 3 days
The first was a Mustang GT 5.0 with at minimum exhaust work done. ******* pulls up next to me in rush hour traffic during a torrential downpour and starts revving his engine. Traffic is flowing at say 5 MPH and there is not a clear lane in sight. I really have no idea what this idiot wanted to run. Fastest half-car length? If I would have jammed it, my engine would have been in the backseat of the minivan in front of me. So after a few engine revs for about 2 blocks, he turned off.
Yesterday was a different story
We FINALLY got a break in the horrible weather we've been having down in SoFla, so I popped the top off and drove from Homestead to Weston, about a 60 mile drive. Weather was relatively cool, skies were relatively clear and the roads were uncongested. Had a fresh coat of wax on the snake and it was sparkling.
The first car to pull up was a late model Trans-Am/Firebird. He sort of creeped up next to me as opposed to screaming up behind me. I'm not even sure he wanted to race. He revs the engine and pulls maybe half a car length in front. That was all I needed. I-75, clear skies and open lanes. Downshifted to 4th and he was 10 cars back in a few seconds.
Not 3 minutes later, a Mitsubishi turbo something (Eclipse maybe?) comes flying up in the lane next to me. When he gets close he starts to slow down so I know what's coming. I didn't even give him the chance to line up. Down to 4th and he was gone. My exit was rapidly coming up so I had to scoot over quickly and get off.
I pull off on Griffin road just as a black Z06 heading west merges next to me. We both punch it and take the short run down to Weston Blvd - maybe 1/4 or 1/3 mile. Beat him by about 2 car lengths. Nice guy, though. Smiles and thumbs up at the stoplight.
Got my first 3 kills back to back to back. All this happened in a 10-minute time span