Had the strangest conversation today. I live on the main drag that people from the
North-East states take to the Outer Banks. (You know who you are!). I needed to get a few things from the hardware store so...had to take the GTS

As I'm getting back to the car from inside, a guy with out of state tags says "excuse me, is that a Dodge Viper?"
I turn and look at the big chrome emblems on the Silver bumper that say "Dodge" and "Viper", and turn back to him, resisting an urge, and just say, yes it is. He then asks if it's the "sports edition"

I tell him it's JUST a GTS, and he say's oh, my son like the sports edition, but I'll tell him I saw this one, and drives off.
That's it, I'm going on E-Bay to buy a Sports Edition!