South East Zone Rendezvous, Nov. 15-17th


VCA Venom Member
Jan 20, 2003
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Lake Mary, Florida USA
Hello All,

We have our 2013 Zone Rendezvous forthe Southeast coming up November 15-17. The Zone Rendezvous, for those of you that have not been to one, the ZoneRendezvous is a social gather for each VCA zone on the off year of the VOI;Viper Owners Invitational. This year weare going to meet on the beach in Northern Florida; explore and cruise thearea; including St Augustine, Daytona Raceway and more. November is usually great weather in NorthernFlorida and the hotel is right on the ocean and very impressive. The scenic driving on A1A and the NorthernFlorida country roads should provide some great photo ops and wide open countrydriving. Friday we will arrange a cruisealong the coast line, A1A to St Augustine, which is a great town for get-togethers,lots of restaurants, bars, and attractions in the nation’s oldest city. Thursday thru Saturday, HSR (Historical Sports Car Racing ( be holding an event at Daytona Speedway. We plan to go Saturday towatch some of the different races, all about an hour each. One or two ofour Florida members will be running their comp coupes in the races. HSRwill provide us with a corral for our Vipers and we are working with them on aparade lap. The parade lap and the entrance fee will be given to us at adiscount, more info to follow. On Sunday, those that want can return formore racing action and or we can cruise to some more of the unique NorthFlorida venues. Please contact the hotel soonest, as rooms are on a firstcome first serve basis.

Date: Nov 15-17[SUP]th [/SUP][SUP](ifsome want to come in Thursday night that can be arranged also)[/SUP]

Venue: St Augustine / Daytona Speedway

Hotel: Hammock Beach Resort, Palm CoastFlorida

$160 / night for an Ocean View 1bedroom

$288/ night for an Ocean View 3 Bedroom (so if you have some VCA members you areclose with you can save some money and take out the 3 bedroom unit)

Please contact the hotel directly tomake your reservations at: 877-834-8862 and identify that you are part of theViper club. The hotel is just settingthis up in their system, so if you call today it might not be in the systemyet.

So that we can get a tally of attendanceand better organize the events, please email me at: [email protected] to confirm youare coming to the Zone Rendezvous and also email your regional presidents sothey can form up caravans and such. Moreinfo to follow….

John Canal
Zone Director, South East

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