We all know that for boosted GEN II cars, the best plug is the RC10ECC which is no longer in production by Champion (at over $10.00 each). There are others that many have used over the years from about every manufacturer out there...but none are the true .290 projected nose plug the the Viper loves. I just ordered a set of the QC10WEP plugs for my 13 PSI ROE GTS. No one in my area had them in stock so I ordered (10) from RockAuto for $77.50 shipped. They are the true .290 extended nose Heat Range 10 Champion plug pregapped at .028 (perfect for my application). Drawback is that they are the iridium plug and not copper core...but they state iridium holds a stable heat range across many operating parametiers so I will withold judgement until proven otherwise. They are the thin wire type which in reading their specs seems to be good for a boosted application. Also they are designed for Marine CDI ignition systems which means they operate on a lower voltage than "RC" plugs. So I will report back as to how they perform in my set-up next week. I doubt they will get here by this weekend.