beautiful photo! too bad DC will probably not make it happen. Gotta have the lines i say. scalloped top to bottom not bottom to top! its like the hood, when i first looked at seriously buying (not dreaming of buying) a viper, i asked the dealer why cant i have a GTS hood on an RT10? he said "I dont know?" one month later he says i can for 5K extra!. the following year the hood i wanted is standard on RT10 as well as GTS. Now i also called DC about this "dilema' of mine, being an artistic and asthetic individual I wanted what i wanted! especially for 80K clams! coincidence that hood is now standard? i think not. it looks better and thats that! oh, and with regards to the side sills, im gonna get em redone as soon as that d*mn snake comes of the transport! the wheels too (stock looks like huffy bike tires)